EuCNC2019 logo

Technical Program

Time (Madrid) Auditorium 1 Auditorium 2 Networking Area Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 8

Monday, June 17

13:30-15:15   MoC0: Global 5G Event (G5GE): Opening Session                
15:15-15:45   MoC0: G5GE: Keynote                
15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00   MoD0: G5GE: 5G Regional Trends                
18:00-18:30   MoE0: G5GE: Q&A / 5G Commercial Success                

Tuesday, June 18

08:30-10:30   TuA0: G5GE: 5G for Business   TuA1: Workshop 3 - Session 1 TuA2: Workshop 4 - Session 1 TuA3: Tutorial 1 - Session 1 TuA4: Tutorial 4 - Session 1   TuA6: Workshop 1 - Session 1 TuA8: Workshop 2 - Session 1
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-13:00   TuB0: G5GE: Looking fordward / 8th G5GE   TuB1: Workshop 3 - Session 2 TuB2: Workshop 4 - Session 2 TuB3: Tutorial 1 - Session 2 TuB4: Tutorial 4 - Session 2   TuB6: Workshop 1 - Session 2 TuB8: Workshop 2 - Session 2
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:45   TuC0: G5GE+EuCNC: Cross-Regional projects       TuC3: Tutorial 3 - Session 1 TuC4: Tutorial 2 - Session 1      
15:45-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00   TuD0: G5GE+EuCNC: 5G KPI Measurement       TuD3: Tutorial 3 - Session 2 TuD4: Tutorial 2 - Session 2   TuD6: Workshop 1 - Session 3  

Wednesday, June 19

08:30-09:00 WeA0: EuCNC Opening                  
09:00-09:45 WeA0: Keynote 1                  
09:45-10:30 WeA0: Keynote 2                  
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 WeB0: Panel 1                  
12:30-13:00     WeBH: Poster Session 1              
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30   WeC0: CELTIC Event - Session 1   WeC1: Special Session 1 WeC2: Coding Techniques WeC3: Orchestration and Virtualisation WeC4: Optical Communications WeC5: Vehicular and Industrial Communication Trials WeC6: Workshop 5 - Session 1 WeC8: Workshop 6 - Session 1
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:30   WeD0: CELTIC Event - Session 2   WeD1: Special Session 2 WeD2: Propagation WeD3: Network Slicing WeD4: Satellite Communications WeD5: Autonomuos Driving WeD6: Workshop 5 - Session 2 WeD8: Workshop 6 - Session 2
17:30-18:30     WeEH: Special Session 5              

Thursday, June 20

09:00-09:45   ThA0: Keynote 3                
09:45-10:30   ThA0: Keynote 4                
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30   ThB0: Panel 2                
12:30-13:00     ThBH: Poster Session 2              
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30   ThC0: CELTIC Event - Session 3   ThC1: Special Session 3 ThC2: Backhaul and SDR Design ThC3: Service Oriented Optimisation ThC4: Network Security ThC5: Industrial Communications ThC6: Workshop 7 - Session 1 ThC8: Workshop 8 - Session 1
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:30   ThD0: CELTIC Event - Session 4   ThD1: Special Session 4 ThD2: Modulation and Massive MIMO ThD3: Radio Access Techniques ThD4: Edge Computing ThD5: Network Optimisation ThD6: Workshop 7 - Session 2 ThD8: Workshop 8 - Session 2

Friday, June 21

08:30-10:30   FrA0: 5G-PPP ICT19   FrA1: Software Defined Networking FrA2: Fronthaul Design FrA3: New Deployments and Trials FrA4: IoT Communications   FrA6: Physical Layer Optimisation FrA8: Radio Resource Management
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:30   FrB0: Panel 3                
12:30-13:30   FrB0: EuCNC Closing                

Monday, June 17

Monday, June 17 13:30 - 15:15

MoC0: Global 5G Event (G5GE): Opening Session

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Welcome statements
  • 5G Policy perspectives
  • Government Policies for 5G
  • Progress of 5G Spectrum Harmonization and Regulatory Policy


Colin Willcock (Chairman of the board of the 5G Infrastructure Association)

European Commission and Government Representatives:

  • Pearse O'Donohue (Director for ‘Future Networks', DG CONNECT, European Commission)
  • Gaku Nakazato (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan)
  • Donald Stockdale (U.S. Federal Communications Commission)
  • Tae Wan Park (ICT and Broadcasting Technology Policy Division, MSIT, Korea)
  • Liu Yulin (Department of Information and Communication Development, MIIT, China)
  • José Gontijo (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications, Brazil)

Fireside Chat:

  • Laurent Paillassot (CEO, Orange Spain)

Monday, June 17 15:15 - 15:45

MoC0: G5GE: Keynote

Tomás Alonso (Head of Product Technology in Orange, Spain)
Room: Auditorium 2

Short Bio:

Tomas Alonso is Head of Product Engineering at ORANGE ESPAGNE currently accountable for Leading the team in charge of Product Engineering and Technical Innovation within the technical area of Orange Spain. Prior to this position Mr. Alonso was the Head of Network Planning in charge of the elaboration of strategic plans of network developments and dimensioning of the network ensuring design requirements are met at optimal CAPEX and OPEX levels. Previously to Orange Mr. Alonso played different roles in leading Telco carrier1 companies in Spain like Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera and Vodafone managing transformation projects like 3Play network launch (DT) and launch of 3G network for TeliaSonera. Tomas Alonso holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), an MBA from EOI Business School (Madrid) and a Executive Programa Degree PDD in IESE Business School (Madrid).

Monday, June 17 16:15 - 18:00

MoD0: G5GE: 5G Regional Trends

Room: Auditorium 2


  • 5G Research and Technological Trends
  • 5G Trials and Pre-Commercial Launches
  • New deployment strategies


Hyeon Woo Lee (Dankook University, Korea)


  • Luciano Leonel Mendes (5G Brasil Project)
  • Yukihiko Okumura (NTT DOCOMO)
  • Dan Warren (Samsung Research, UK)
  • Chris Pearson (5G Americas)
  • Zhiqin Wang (IMT-2020(5G) Promotion Group)
  • Didier Bourse (5G IA Trials WG Chairman)

Monday, June 17 18:00 - 18:30

MoE0: G5GE: Q&A / 5G Commercial Success

Room: Auditorium 2


  • What is Needed for 5G Commercial Success


Ruprecht Niepold (Independent Spectrum Expert)


  • José Marcos C. Brito (5G Brasil Project)
  • Chris Pearson (5G Americas)
  • Yoshinori Ohmura (ARIB)
  • Dong Ku Kim (5G Forum)
  • Yeqing Du (Huawei)
  • Colin Willcock (Chairman of the board of the 5G Infrastructure Association)

Tuesday, June 18

Tuesday, June 18 8:30 - 10:30

TuA0: G5GE: 5G for Business

Room: Auditorium 2


  • 5G from the Verticals perspective
  • Sector driven 5G Service demands


Suncheol Gweon (Vice-Chair, 5G Forum Advisory Committee)


  • Wilson Cardoso (5G Brazil)
  • John Baker (Mavenir)
  • Lee Seongchoon (Giga KOREA Foundation)
  • Yeqing DU (Huawei)
  • Yoko Kurosawa (KDDI)

TuA1: Workshop 3 - Session 1

Photonic Technologies in 5G and Beyond
Room 1


  • Josep M. Fabrega (CTT, Spain)
  • Nikos Passas (Communication Networks Laboratory Dept. Of Informatics & Telecommunications University of Athens, Greece)

Motivation and Background:

Future 5G networks will give rise to a wide range of new services addressing the needs of multiple vertical markets (such as connected car, smart-factories, and others). The 5G end-to-end network infrastructure will have to support extreme requirements in terms of data rates, latency, reliability, energy efficiency, etc, that need an entire set of new technologies to support it.

For the evolution toward 5G mobile connectivity, it is envisioned that optical networking and photonics, as an enabling technology, will play a major role in supporting the service and network requirements, while reducing costs through the introduction of novel converged fibre and wireless technologies. One key target for the underlying optical network is to support the distribution and collection of millimetre-wave radio signals, enabling the greatest flexibility for the accommodation of the wireless network requirements, while reducing the cost of the wireless access points (i.e., remote radio heads/antenna units at cell-cites). Moreover, new multi-access edge computing (MEC) will play a significant role of offering new services closer to the end-user.

Photonic technologies and devices allow meeting the demanding capacity and latency demands for 5G in ways that scale well to highly densified network deployments with low footprint and energy consumption. This workshop will address the role and relevance of photonic technologies to 5G and any future development in mobile networks.

With this workshop we intend to attract expert speakers and audience who will discuss the relevant photonics technology solutions - those developed by 5G-PPP projects, Photonics-PPP projects, and others - and provide a complete coverage of the 5G-related topics for which optical networking and photonics can play a key role. Such topics will include but will not be limited to: optical access network solutions supporting fronthaul, photonics for mm-wave 5G, energy efficiency optimized 5G, converged optical-wireless system solutions, flexible aggregation/Metro networks and network orchestration.

Participating Projects:

  • blueSPACE
  • IoRL
  • 5G-PHOS
  • Metro-Haul
  • 5GCAR


  • Josep M. Fabrega: Workshop opening and presentation
  • Ricard Vilalta: Network Slicing with NFV/SDN architectures and Multi-Access Edge Computing network orchestration for V2I communications
  • Massimiliano Maule: Real-time Dynamic Network Slicing for the 5G Radio Access Network
  • Alessandro Percelsi: Impact of 5G environment on operators optical infrastructures and equipment
  • Nikos Passas: SPOTLIGHT: Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks
  • Andrew Lord: The Impact of the Optical Network on 5G - the Metro-Haul Project
  • Behnam Shariati: Photonics-supported 5G Test Facilities for Low-Latency Applications
  • Achim Authenrieth (Director Advanced Technology, ADVA)

TuA2: Workshop 4 - Session 1

5G in the Era of Connected Cars
Room 2


  • Roberto Riggio (Unit WiN - Wireless and Networked Systems, Italy)
  • François Fischer (ERTICO)
  • Jesus Alonso-Zarate (CTTC)

Motivation and Background:

Both the telecom and the automotive industries are going through profound transformations these day. The automotive industry is evolving towards a vision where cars are becoming autonomous and wirelessly connected to cooperate with each other for a safer and more efficient driving.

5G is regarded as the key technology that will empower this transition. For the success of such a revolution, it is necessary that both the telecom and the automotive industry cooperate together to shape the future by addressing all the challenges that connected, cooperative and autonomous mobility (CCAM) brings into the innovation arena.

The goal of this workshop is to bring both experts and projects from automotive and the mobile communications industries to discuss on the successful path towards CCAM services with the use of 5G technologies. The challenges and the approaches to reduce the uncertainties of a 5G deployment, in multi-country, multi-operator, multi-vendor, and multi-car-manufacturer scenarios, will be discussed and analysed. The validation via trials and the optimization of 5G technologies for CCAM services are additional topics of the workshop to pave the way for the preparation of commercial deployments.


  • Opening
  • Keynote: "Making connected cars a reality with 5G," Maxime Flament (5GAA)
  • "5GCAR, and the role of 5G in automotive industry," Mikael Fallgren (Ericsson)
  • "C-V2X trial activities in 5G-DRIVE," Tao Chen (VTT)
  • "CCAM progressed by Internet of Thing," Francois Fischer (ERTICO)
  • "5G for Connected and Automated Mobility in the European unioN," Roberto Riggio (FBK)
  • "5G-CARMEN and Greta - touching the next frontier in entirely new societal benefits," Walter Aigner (HiTec)
  • "5G Cross-Border CCAM in France-Germany-Luxembourg Corridor," Jesus Alonso-Zarate (CTTC)

TuA3: Tutorial 1 - Session 1

Blockchain technology and smart contracts in 5G and beyond networks
Hamed Ahmadi, Irene Macaluso, Marco Ruffini, and Nima Afraz
Room 3

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology which has found its way to several domains outside of finance industry. The venture capitalist and software developer Marc Andreesen considers blockchain to be as important and revolutionary as the Internet. It is therefore reasonable to expect that aspects of this technology have the potential to underpin concepts, frameworks, regulations, and economics in the world of mobile communication and networking. Blockchain has numerous applications in these areas and will play a significant role in 5G and beyond networks. By enabling automatic and trusted transactions, smart contracts facilitate infrastructure and spectrum sharing among infrastructure providers, service providers, and virtual network operators. Blockchain also creates new business models for ephemeral networks and/or operator partnerships for better coverage and service. In a step forward, mobile operators can offer "Blockchain-as-a-service" ecosystem for content providers who could store their offerings throughout the mobile network and use the blockchain infrastructure for access control and monetization. In IoT networks blockchain can be applied to enhance privacy and security, data and identity management, and monetization of the service.

Since the first comm's related blockchain workshop in IEEE DySPAN2017, there has been a raise in the number of blockchain related publications in communication society, and there has been at least four workshops on this topic in major conferences which are showing the significant interest in this topic among members of communication society.

This tutorial will provide an introduction to blockchain technology and smart contracts to EUCNC participants. We will review its applications communication, networking and IoT in the first half of the tutorial. In the second half we will demonstrate hands-on Blockchain/smart contract programming which will be a unique opportunity especially for early career researchers and making our tutorial different from conventional conference tutorials.

TuA4: Tutorial 4 - Session 1

Behind Wi-Fi's success story: Fundamentals, deciphering 802.11ax, and roadmap towards the next generation
David Lopez-Perez, Adrian Garcia-Rodriguez, and Lorenzo Galati Giordano
Room 4

Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is among the greatest success stories of this new technology era, and its societal benefits are known to most of the world population. Since Wi-Fi has become an essential part of the home, and a key complementary technology for both enterprise and carrier networks, its importance is expected to continue growing beyond 2023, as the newly defined generation of more capable Wi-Fi products -Wi-Fi 6, based on the most recent Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802.11ax specification- becomes widely available. The requirements of wireless data services, however, will continue to increase in many scenarios such as homes, enterprises and hotspots, beyond the capabilities of Wi-Fi 6. To meet such expectations, the Wi-Fi community is aiming high and has already initiated discussions on new IEEE 802.11 technical features for bands between 1 and 7.125 GHz. The creation and standardisation of the next generation of Wi-Fi technology beyond IEEE 802.11ax-referred to as Extremely High Throughput (EHT)-targets to increase peak throughput and ensure that Wi-Fi meets the requirements set by incoming applications, thereby maintaining-or even augmenting-its appeal to consumers.

The scope of the proposed tutorial is to provide the research community with

  1. a self-contained overview of Wi-Fi's fundamentals,
  2. a survey of the main technical features defined by the new 802.11ax standard, and
  3. fresh updates on the most recent outcomes and directions related to the next generation of Wi-Fi technology beyond 802.11ax directly from the IEEE 802.11 EHT standardization meetings.

EuCNC is the perfect occasion to provide a digestible summary about Wi-Fi's current technology status and prospective, since the first 802.11ax-compatible products are just reaching the market and the specific objectives and features of EHT are currently being shaped.

TuA6: Workshop 1 - Session 1

Empowering Transatlantic Platforms for Advance Wireless Research
Room 6


  • Serge Fdida (Sorbonne University & CNRS, France)
  • Abhimanyu (Manu) Gosain (IEEE SM, USA)
  • Arturo Azcorra (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
  • Didier Bourse (Nokia, France)
  • Antonio de la Oliva (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
  • Jaime Garcia-Reinoso (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)

Motivation and Background:

The European Commission has created the CSA EMPOWER in order to foster the collaboration between Europe and USA on Advance Wireless Platforms, which include ICT-17 End-to-End 5G platforms and NSF PAWR projects. The overarching aim of EMPOWER is to reinforce the cooperation between the EU and the US towards establishing a collaborative transatlantic community on the new connectivity frontiers beyond 5G with the ambition to accelerate the joint development of the associated advanced wireless platforms. EMPOWER follows and builds on the recurrent dialogue between the EU and the US regarding collaboration for Advanced Wireless Platforms as presented in the "Report from the EU/US Future Networks Workshop", dated November 11, 2017.

EMPOWER targets the creation of a joint EU-US advanced Wireless ecosystem for (i) bridging the relevant EU-US Wireless communities and stakeholders, such as scientific researchers, platform engineers, standardization experts, regulators, and product incubators; and (ii) developing a strategic EU-US collaboration agenda and supporting its execution ahead of worldwide competition for beyond 5G connectivity standards, based on common EU-US roadmaps spanning advances in scientific knowledge, platforms and testbeds, standards and regulations.

This workshop objective is to put in contact key persons on Europe and USA to start a track record of collaborations and to discuss posible joint activities and evolution of the wireless platforms at both sides of the Atlantic towards beyond 5G technologies. The workshop will be mainly driven by ICT-17 and NSF PAWR representatives, although projects planning to use the Wireless platforms, such as ICT-19 winning consortiums and projects with already established experience on collaboration with USA such as 5GinFire, will also be invited.

Participating Projects:

  • PAWR
  • 5G-EVE
  • 5G-VINNI


  1. Opening (45min)
  • Challenges for developing future test platforms to support research in digital infrastructures, Serge Fdida, Sorbonne Université, France
  • Introduction to PAWR, Abhimanyu Gosain, Technical Program Director of PAWR Office, Northeastern University College of Engineering
  • The EU/USA collaboration programme by Thyaga Nandagopal, NSF
  • EU/USA Collaboration, Bernard Barani, European Commission
  1. E2E System view (75 min)

Round table focused on exploring E2E system level. The big question would be how to set-up an E2E open reference architecture. This might be a concern of mutual interest for Europe and USA as it goes beyond the wireless specific hardware components and target the issue related to the E2E architecture that should be encountered by most projects.

We will discuss among others, the role of Open Source for experimentation, production and infrastructures:

  • Radio platforms: use of OAI/O-RAN or other platforms for the developing of the RAN in an open reference platform.
  • Core platforms: possible use of ONF/OMEC or other platforms for the development of the Core part of the open reference platform.
  • The need of an NFV open framework to provide a relevant test framework and toolset to perform tests.

TuA8: Workshop 2 - Session 1

From Cloud-ready to Cloud-native transformation
Room 8


Bessem Sayadi (Nokia Bell-Labs, France)

Motivation and Background:

The softwarization of the network is focused on the virtualization, decoupling the HW from the SW to lower the cost of network and service operation and to reduce the time to market for new services while introducing higher flexibility. In addition, virtualization of networking systems offers a multitude of benefits for telecommunication and datacenter operators by decoupling network functions from proprietary hardware as well as decoupling services from propriety service platforms.

In the same time, the cloud has disrupted the established order in many sectors. And the reason is simple. With it, companies have been able to reduce the investment in their internal data centers in favor of unlimited computing resources, available on demand and billed for use. From now on, the competitiveness of a company depends directly on its capacity to quickly realize new ideas. Start-ups understand this well, so they rely on native cloud approaches to disrupt traditional sectors. It becomes obvious that innovations should be made cloud-native for being successful where the functions are designed for a cloud environment rather than packaged up and deployed onto it.

Cloud-native is an approach to build and run applications that fully exploit the benefits of the cloud computing model. The Cloud-native approach is the way applications are created and deployed, not where they are executed. It includes things like services architectures, infrastructure as a code, automation, continuous integration/delivery pipelines, observability/monitoring tools, etc

A research ecosystem of horizontal and vertical R&D actions is being formed, which examines the transformation from cloud ready to cloud native in the telco world. A carrier-grade enhancement to the Telco cloud native platform is required to provide better-than-IT performance in par or better than what is possible with classical telco platforms. Features like five-nine reliability, stateless microservices, etc should be supported in the Telco cloud native. A fast virtualization and programmability across all networking domains: from core to edge and access, from wired/optical to wireless, cellular and also satellite, is also considered.

The workshop is not only about 5G technologies and their implementation - with, for instance, Cloud-RAN, functional split and resource management techniques in 5G - but also about the whole service-based technology relevant to 5G in the cloud-native transformation. A service-based technology, by definition, offers hardware and/or software resources provided as a service over a network.

This open workshop aims at reinforcing this European research ecosystem by strengthening the liaison between the participating projects, facilitating the exchange of ideas and helping each research group to take advantage of the results produced by other projects, improving focus of innovation and aligning towards common goals and milestones, thus maximizing the overall impact. The workshop will promote and stimulate the discussion about development of new research directions for building a stronger abstraction layer for the cloud, programmable infrastructure, cognitive management, flexible programmability of 5G networks services, managing application lifecycle in the cloud, etc

The workshop is endorsed by the Software Networks Working Group of the 5G-PPP ( and supported by participating projects and partners.

The participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, share hands-on experience and solutions and discuss research results. The workshop will aim in extending collaborations and paving common exploitation strategies. The structure of the workshop is based on invited presentation of 5G-PPP projects that operate on the same focus area, followed by breakout sessions on particular subjects allowing immediate interaction between the delegates and facilitating the exchange of expertise and best practices in the field.

The workshop will invite a Keynote to talk about the cloud transformation in Telco.

Participating Projects:

  • NGPaaS
  • 5G-CITY
  • NRG5
  • 5G-MEDIA
  • 5G-EVE


  • Keynote presentation "Cloud Native 5G Virtual Network Functions: Design Principles and Use Cases", Sofiane Imadali, Orange Labs Networks, 5G-EVE (30min) + Q&A (10min)
  • Presentation of 5G-PPP Software Network WG White Paper: "Verticals in the Cloud-Native Era" (15min) + Q&A (5min), Bessem Sayadi, Nokia (5G-PPP Software Network WG Chair)
  • Josep Martrat (ATOS, ES), "Cloud-native Immersive Media pilot deployment using SONATA", 5G-TANGO
  • Anastasios Zafeiropoulos (Ubitech, GR), "Cloud native applications design and deployment", MATILDA
  • Marius Iordache (Orange, RO), "Cloud-native approach for a 5G use-case implementation based on network slicing" + technical paper "SliceNet Programmable Data Plane Control in 5G Network Slicing", SLICENET
SliceNet Programmable Data Plane Control in 5G Network Slicing
Pablo Salva-Garcia (University West Of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Enrique Chirivella-Perez, Jose Alcaraz-Calero and Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Biagio Maione (Ericsson, Poland); Ciriaco Angelo, Giacomo Borlizzi and Luca Baldini (Ericsson, Italy); Nikaein Navid (Eurecom, France); Giacomo Bernini (Nextworks, Italy); Konstantinos Koutsopoulos (Creative Systems Engineering, Greece); Ricardo Figueiredo (Redzinc, Ireland); Marius Iordache (Orange, Romania); Cristian Patachia - Sultanoiu (Orange Romania SA & Technical University Gheorghe Asachi of Iasi, Romania)

Tuesday, June 18 11:00 - 13:00

TuB0: G5GE: Looking fordward / 8th G5GE

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Beyond 5G: Realizing Smart Networks


Chris Pearson (5G Americas)


  • Flávio de Oliveira Silva (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil)
  • Ryo Inohara (KDDI Research, Inc.)
  • Shaoli Kang (Datang Telecomm Group)
  • Sung Ho Choi (Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion, Korea)
  • Arturo Azcorra (5G IA Vision WG Chairman)

Launch of the 8th Global 5G Event

Zhiqin Wang (IMT-2020(5G) Promotion Group)

TuB1: Workshop 3 - Session 2

Photonic Technologies in 5G and Beyond
Room 1


  • Konstantinos Stavropoulos: FiberG: Fiber everywhere, for 5G and beyond
  • Juan Pedro Fernandez-Palacios: Cost Efficient 5G Optical Transport Architecture
  • Giorgio Parladori (Research Program Director, SM-Optics)
  • Kebede Atra: 25 Gb/s Reflective Electro-Absorption Modulator Monolithically Integrated with Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Colorless WDM-PON Application
  • Paul Van Dijk: Vertical integration in SiN based foundry enables new applications
  • Panel

TuB2: Workshop 4 - Session 2

5G in the Era of Connected Cars
Room 2


  • "5GCroCo Tests and Trials: User Stories and 5G Technologies," Dirk Hetzer (DTAG)
  • "5G enabled CCAM at Greece - Turkey x-border corridor," Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS-ICT)
  • "5G enabled CCAM at Spain-Portugal x-border corridor," José Santa (University of Murcia)
  • "A Timeline for C-V2X," Luigi Ardito (QUALCOMM)
  • Panel. Moderator: Toktam Mahmoodi (King's College London, UK). Panelists:
  • Maxime Flament (5GAA)
  • Tao Chen (VTT)
  • Mikael Fallgren (Ericsson)
  • Walter Aigner (HiTec)

TuB3: Tutorial 1 - Session 2

Blockchain technology and smart contracts in 5G and beyond networks
Hamed Ahmadi, Irene Macaluso, Marco Ruffini, and Nima Afraz
Room 3

TuB4: Tutorial 4 - Session 2

Behind Wi-Fi's success story: Fundamentals, deciphering 802.11ax, and roadmap towards the next generation
David Lopez-Perez, Adrian Garcia-Rodriguez, and Lorenzo Galati Giordano
Room 4

TuB6: Workshop 1 - Session 2

Empowering Transatlantic Platforms for Advance Wireless Research
Room 6


  1. Wireless challenges for the future

This session includes a talk of a renowned scientist on challenges for Beyond 5G wireless Technologies, followed by a round table.

  • Talk: Technical Challenges in future Wireless Technologies, the EMPOWER Technology Roadmap by Alain Mourad (IDCC).
  • Round Table: Round table of representatives of ICT-17, NSF PAWR projects and other stakeholders. Active discussion on the future of the platforms and their technology evolution is expected.
  1. ICT-17 Platforms

This session will allow ICT-17 platforms to present their main characteristics and features:

  • 5G-EVE: 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trails, Mauro Boldi, Telecom Italia.
  • 5G-VINNI: An open large scale 5G end-to-end facility for KPI validation and verticals use case piloting, Pål Grønsund
  • 5GENESIS: An Open 5G Experimental Facility for Testing, KPI Validation and Showcasing,Harilaos Koumaras, NCSR "Demokritos".

TuB8: Workshop 2 - Session 2

From Cloud-ready to Cloud-native transformation
Room 8


  • Hadi Razzaghi (UPB, DE), "Kubernetes and OpenStack to support multi-version service chaining", 5G-PICTURE
  • Antonello Corsi (ENG, IT), "Progress towards cloud native paradigm for the energy domain services based on VNFs", NRG5
  • David Breitgand (IBM, IL) and David Griffin (UCL, UK), "Cognitive Network Optimization of Cloud-Native Media Applications", 5G-MEDIA
  • Thomas Deiss (Nokia, DE), "Cloud native and RAN", 5G-TRANSFORMER
  • Ilhem Fajjari (Orange, FR)), "Telco-grade Kubernetes", NGPaaS
  • Apostolos Papageorgiou (i2cat, ES), "Slicing-aware service orchestration", 5G-CITY
  • Wrap-up and next steps (10 min)

Tuesday, June 18 14:00 - 15:45

TuC0: G5GE+EuCNC: Cross-Regional projects

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Results and achievements from Cross Regional 5G projects


  • Yeqing Du (Huawei)


  • Flávio de Oliveira Silva (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil)
  • Luciano Leonel Mendes (5G Brasil Project)
  • Uwe Herzog (Eurescom, 5G-DRIVE)
  • Ilgyu Kim (Etri)
  • Thyaga Nandagopal (National Science Foundation, USA)
  • Wei Deng (China Mobile Research Institute)

TuC3: Tutorial 3 - Session 1

Machine Learning for Artificially Intelligent Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Walid Saad
Room 3

Next-generation wireless networks must support ultra-reliable, low-latency communication and intelligently manage a massive number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in real- time, within a highly dynamic environment. This need for stringent communication quality-of-service (QoS) requirements as well as mobile edge and core intelligence can only be realized by integrating fundamental notions of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning across the wireless infrastructure and end-user devices. AI will play major roles in next-generation wireless networks ranging from data analytics to AI-powered self-organizing networks. To this end, the goal of this tutorial is to provide a holistic on the topic of machine learning for AI-powered wireless networks. In particular, we will first provide a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of machine learning and artificial neural networks, which are one of the most important pillars of machine learning. Then, we introduce a classification of the various types of neural networks that include feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, spiking neural networks, and deep neural networks. For each type, we provide an introduction on their basic components, their training processes, and their wireless use cases. Then, we overview a broad range of wireless applications that can make use of neural network designs. This range of applications includes ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC), wireless virtual reality, mobile edge caching, drone-based communications, Internet of Things, and vehicular networks.

For each application, we first outline the main rationale for applying machine learning while pinpointing illustrative scenarios. Then, we overview the challenges and opportunities brought forward by the use of neural networks in the specific wireless application. We complement this overview with a detailed example drawn from the state-of-the-art. Finally, we conclude by shedding light on the potential future works within each specific area and within the overall area of AI for wireless networks.

TuC4: Tutorial 2 - Session 1

When Clouds meet 6G: the academic, industrial and standard perspective
Emilio Calvanese Strinati and Vincenzo Sciancalepore
Room 4

In 2020 the 5G Networks are expected to be operational and a global game changer from a technological, economic, societal and environmental perspective with very aggressive promised performance in terms of latency, reliability, energy efficiency, wireless broadband capacity, elasticity, and so on.

Nevertheless, experts claim that the next big step for cellular (and, generally speaking, wireless) networks is not the 5G realization but its next cloudification.

Virtualization and cloudification (or commonly dubbed as cloud computing) are often used interchangeably but they represent different concepts while involving a number of different technical challenges. Virtualization was introduced to consolidate physical servers running heterogeneous applications onto fewer (computing nodes) servers by placing the applications on so-called virtual machines (VMs) in a "hypervised" environment. This was the incipit for the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigm to find a solid basis in communication networks supported by industry initiatives that aimed at saving CAPEX and OPEX while still claiming deployment flexibility and service agility. This brought up in the last years the network slicing concept that has completely revolutionized the networking perspective by abstracting and separating logical network behaviours from the underlying physical network resources thereby significantly impacting on the reduction of the operations expenditures which, in turn, drives the network operators to foster the programmability and automation of network facilities as well as to enable the evolution of a wider range of business services.

Conversely, Cloud computing refers to the delivery of shared on-demand computing resources through the public cloud (e.g., internet) or enterprise private cloud networks. This calls into question the need of cloudification, which translates into i) deploying communications software that has been rewritten and specifically designed for cloud environments, ii) enabling (low-latency) communication paths between cloud environments and iii) adding more flexibility and dynamicity (high reactiveness) on the orchestration process to successfully deliver agile services.

This tutorial focuses on the evolutionary flow of the network virtualization concept through several standard definition activities in the last decade. In particular, we shed light on the Network Function Virtualization pillars and the main difference with the upcoming cloudification phenomena of 5G-andbeyond networks. We analyse the state-of-the-art solutions proposed to realize the first example of cloudification, highlighting the main limitations of the current solutions and the real potentiality of advanced upcoming approaches. We present the interdependencies between 5G KPIs, 5G key enabling technologies and the three levels of cloud: Fog, Mobile Edge Cloud and the Central Cloud. In particular, for the Mobile Edge Cloud, we also provide the audience with a solid background and comprehensive description of the last 5 / 12

achievements of the ETSI MEC ISG group in terms of cloud computing features and interface descriptions. Finally, we point out the future research directions to embrace new open-source function/resource allocation procedures highlighting the viewpoint of few up-and-running H2020 projects.

Tuesday, June 18 16:15 - 18:00

TuD0: G5GE+EuCNC: 5G KPI Measurement

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Measuring 5G KPIs in real environments


Maurizio Cecchi (Associazione P.I.I.U.)


  • Harilaos Koumaras (5GENESIS)
  • Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS ICT Solutions)
  • Andrea Cattoni (Keysight Technologies, 5G-VINNI)
  • Xinhui Wang (ZTE)
  • Doyoung Kwak (Infra Laboratory / KT Corporation)
  • Takaharu Nakamura (5GMF, Fujitsu)

TuD3: Tutorial 3 - Session 2

Machine Learning for Artificially Intelligent Wireless Networks: Challenges and Opportunities
Walid Saad
Room 3

TuD4: Tutorial 2 - Session 2

When Clouds meet 6G: the academic, industrial and standard perspective
Emilio Calvanese Strinati and Vincenzo Sciancalepore
Room 4

TuD6: Workshop 1 - Session 3

Empowering Transatlantic Platforms for Advance Wireless Research
Room 6


  1. ICT-17/ICT-19 - Dialogue with verticals
  • Short presentation of 5Growth, 5G-Tours, 5G-Solutions and 5G-HEARTon the vertical scenarios to be addressed and their technological requirements.
  • Presentations from:
  1. The 5GINFIRE Platform: A facility for end-to-end 5G experimentation, Halid Hrasnica, Eurescom GmbH
  2. EuWireless: Design of the European Mobile Network Operator for Research, Pedro Merino, University of Malaga.
  • Open discussion on how to best address the vertical experimentation and requirements.

Wednesday, June 19

Wednesday, June 19 8:30 - 9:00

WeA0: EuCNC Opening

Room: Auditorium 1
Chair: Narcis Cardona (The Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)

Wednesday, June 19 9:00 - 9:45

WeA0: Keynote 1

John M. Cioffi (Chairman/CEO ASSIA Inc. , EE Professor Emeritus (recalled) Stanford University, USA)
Room: Auditorium 1
Chair: Narcis Cardona (The Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)


5G networks emerge through leverage of unlicensed frequency spectra. A stunning eighty percent of today's mobile internet data traffic is off-loaded to Wi-Fi, which in turn is largely backhauled by copper or fiber access technologies. Successful fifth-generation networks will be based on a convergence of mobile and fixed technologies through this Wi-Fi hybrid of mobile and fixed access. This creates very important and technically exciting challenges for dynamic managing/optimizing space, time, and frequency dimensions for cost-effective delivery of all services with acceptable quality, across both Wi-Fi and 5G LTE. This talk will examine these trends and explore technological evolutionary steps and challenges that may well define the true emergency of high-speed internet connectivity reliably to all future internet data consumers.

Short Bio:

John M. Cioffi - BSEE, 1978, Illinois; PhDEE, 1984, Stanford; Bell Laboratories, 1978-1984; IBM Research, 1984-1986; EE Prof., Stanford, 1986-present, now emeritus. founded Amati 1991 (became TI in 1997). Chairman and CEO), ASSIA INc. BoD of Alto Beam, Tinoq, Collinear, and the Marconi Foundation, Specific interests is high-performance digital transmission. IEEE AG Bell, Kirchmayer, and Millenium Medals (2010, 2014, and 2000); Internet (2014) and Consumer Electronics (2018) Halls of Fame; Economist Magazine 2010 Innovations Award; International Marconi Fellow (2006); Member, US National and UK Royal Academies of Engineering (2001, 2009); IEEE Kobayashi and Armstrong Awards (2001 and 2013); BBWF Lifetime Achievement (2014), IEEE Fellow (1996); IEE JJ Tomson Medal (2000); over 600 papers and 100+ patents, in the areas of MIMO, DSL, Wi-Fi, LTE, and disk storage.

Wednesday, June 19 9:45 - 10:30

WeA0: Keynote 2

5G in Automotive - pioneering the digital transformation in the automotive industry
Johannes Springer (Lead 5G@Automotive Program Deutsche Telekom AG,Deutsche Telekom AG / T-Systems International and 5GAA (5G Automotive Association), Director General, Germany)
Room: Auditorium 1
Chair: Narcis Cardona (The Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)


C-V2X communication is the state-of-the-art, high-speed cellular communications platform that enables vehicles to communicate with one another, with roadside infrastructure, with other road users (such as pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists) using either direct short-range communications or cellular networks. While C-V2X network-based solutions are already widely deployed, direct communication solutions will be commercially available as of this year. As such the C-V2X platform delivers safety, mobility, traffic efficiency, and environmental benefits. C-V2X is designed with an evolutionary path to 5G and supports safe and efficient operations of autonomous vehicles. The presentation gives insights into various examples of C-V2X applications for the next generation of connected mobility for advanced driving and automated vehicle solutions.

Short Bio:

Johannes Springer is responsible for the 5G Automotive Program at Deutsche Telekom in Group Technology and Innovation Headquarter. Johannes studied Engineering, Mechanical and Production Engineering at Berlin Technical University. After his doctorate in 1992 he was in charge at Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) as head of department in the Institute of Ergonomics and Industrial Engineering. In 1998 he joined Deutsche Telekom Group in various management positions. From 2004 to 2010 he worked as CTO/COO for Toll Collect, the GNSS and mobile networks based electronic tolling operator for trucks in Germany. From 2011 to 2016 he was Vice President Technology and Solution Design within the Strategic Business Unit Connected Car in T-Systems.

Johannes is active in various organizations, e.g. NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Network, Co-Lead in V2X Task Force) and DGON (German Association of Navigation, Advisory Board).

In 5GAA (5G Automotive Association) he works in the Working Groups "Use Cases" and "Business Models", and since July 2018, he is the Director General of the 5GAA.

Wednesday, June 19 11:00 - 12:30

WeB0: Panel 1

Beyond 5G Technological Enablers for the Next Generation Mobile
Room: Auditorium 1


Afif Osseiran (Ericsson AB, Sweden)

Motivation and Background:

5G networks in the framework of 3GPP activity have a clear roadmap towards technology validation, rollout and commercial launch along 2019. First mobile devices were presented in last mobile world congress events, and the machinery of industry is running at maximum speed to have them in the market in the second half of the year. However, new scientific opportunities are blooming in the field of networking research, radio technologies, new spectrum potential bands, mainly beyond 90 GHz, and improved computation capabilities. It includes interaction with photonic systems as well as new cooperation networking and protocols, notably in the mobility context.

This panel is one of the fist opportunities to bring together reputed experts from various sectors to present their views on the technology enablers for the next generation mobile. Industry, vendors, operators, academics and computation experts will exchange their forecasts while looking for the new application driving the innovation towards the 6G. This is the context for the panel at EuCNC 2019.


  • Are there new deployment strategies for the future, is the era of macro-cells coming to an end?
  • Which is the vision of vendors with respect to virtualization, are the players going to change?
  • Which technologies have no room in 5G roadmap and require a new generation frame?
  • Is there a clear killer application in mind for the 6G?
  • Will be the industry the driver of the new generation? Which are they actual requirements?


  • Afif Osseiran (Ericsson AB, Sweden)
  • Andreas Mueller (Bosch, Germany)
  • Eric Hardouin (Director of the "Ambient Connectivity" research domain of Orange Labs, France)
  • Thomas Magedanz (TU Berlin / Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany)
  • Suat Topsu (University of Paris Saclay-Founder & Chairman Oledcomm, France)

Wednesday, June 19 12:30 - 13:00

WeBH: Poster Session 1

Room: Networking Area
A PN Code Design Based on Genetic Algorithm for Folding-Based GNSS Signal Acquisition
Keunhong Chae and Seokho Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South))
Integration of Antenna Systems in Aeroframes for Seamless Communication and Connectivity
Marta Martínez-Vázquez (Renesas Electronics, Germany); Jordi Balcells-Ventura, Jens Leiß and Rens Baggen (IMST GmbH, Germany); Jaco Verpoorte and Adriaan Hulzinga (National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, The Netherlands); Zdeněk Řezníček (Design and Engineering, Czech Republic)
Field Trial Test and Monitoring of W-band Point to Multipoint Wireless Network
Antonio Ramirez (ISTEC, Spain); Miguel Martinez (Fibernova Systems, Spain); Etienne Leder and Joel Willebois (BOWEN, France); François Magne (WHEN-AB & SARL, France); Frederic Andre (Thales Electron Devices, France); Quang Trung Le (HF Systems Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); Xavier Begaud (LTCI & Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France); Viktor Krozer (Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany); Marc Marilier (OMMIC, France); Rosa Letizia (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Roberto Llorente (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain); Ralp Zimmerman (HF System Engineering, Germany); Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Deep Learning to Forecast Energy Consumption in Smart Buildings Using Heterogeneous IoT Data Sources
Paulo Marques (Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco)
Flow Table Overflow Analysis with OpenFlow POX Controller
Ying Qian (East China Normal University, China); Kai Qian, Hossain Shahriar and Md Arabin Islam Talukder (Kennesaw State University, USA)
Towards a Distributed Authentication and Authorization Mechanism via Blockchain in 5G Energy Applications
Wafa Ben Jaballah (Thales, France); Artemis Voulkidis (Power Operations Ltd, UK)
Use Case Representations of Connected and Automated Driving
Kai Cordes (VISCODA GmbH, Germany); Bastian Cellarius (Ericsson, Germany); Tobias Frye (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany); Stephan Saur and Juergen Otterbach (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Mathieu Lefebvre and Frédéric Gardes (Orange, France); Mikael Fallgren (Ericsson Research, Sweden); Jérôme Tiphène (Groupe PSA, France)
Contribution to the Analysis of the Lifetimes of Well Functioning of Wireless Sensor Networks Application on 5G Infrastructure
Amal Chaffai (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Cognitive, Multi-Domain Network Slicing: The SliceNet Framework
Pedro Neves (Altice Labs, Portugal); Jose Maria Alcaraz Calero (University of the West of Scotland & School of Engineering and Computing, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Giacomo Bernini and Pietro Giardina (Nextworks, Italy); Salvatore Spadaro (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Fernando Agraz (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Albert Pagès (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Dean H Lorenz (IBM Research - Haifa, Israel); Konstantinos Koutsopoulos (Creative Systems Engineering, Greece); Ciriaco Angelo (Ericsson, Italy); Nikaein Navid (Eurecom, France); Thuy Truong (Dell EMC, Ireland); Cristian Patachia - Sultanoiu (Orange Romania SA & Technical University Gheorghe Asachi of Iasi, Romania); Marius Iordache (Orange, Romania); Imen Grida Ben Yahia (Orange Labs, France); George Agapiou (WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS, Greece); Ricardo Figueiredo (Redzinc, Ireland); Mark F Roddy (Mind Myths Ltd, Ireland); Ana Aleixo (Efacec Energia, Portugal)
Multi-Sensor Assisted Cooperative Beam Tracking for mmWave Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Mattia Brambilla, Lorenzo Combi, Monica Nicoli, Sergio Savaresi and Umberto Spagnolini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Prototyping LTE-WiFi Interworking on a Single SDR Platform
Vincent Kotzsch, Clemens Felber and Walter Nitzold (National Instruments, Germany)
Evaluation of LoRa Technology Performance in a City-wide Testbed
Giannis Kazdaridis (University of Thessaly, Greece); Stratos Keranidis (University of Thessaly and CERTH, Greece); Polychronis Symeonidis, Panagiotis Tzimotoudis and Ioannis Zographopoulos (University of Thessaly, Greece); Panagiotis Skrimponis (New York University, USA); Thanasis Korakis (University of Thessaly, Greece)
LORNO - An Industrial Grade Wireless Sensor Network for Leakage Detection and Localization in Water Distribution Networks
Damien Piguet (Centre Suisse d' Electronique et de Microtechnique, Switzerland); Urs Riesen (HINNI AG, Switzerland)
Smart Highway: ITS-G5 and C-V2X Based Testbed for Vehicular Communications in Real Environments Enhanced by Edge Technologies
Johann M. Marquez-Barja (University of Antwerpen & IMEC, Belgium); Bart Lannoo (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Dries Naudts (Ghent University & Imec, Belgium); Bart Braem (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Carlos Donato (University of Antwerp - imec, IDLab Research Group, Belgium); Vasilis Maglogiannis (Ghent University - imec & IDLab Research Group, Belgium); Siegfried Mercelis and Rafael Berkvens (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Peter Hellinckx (University of Antwerp, Belgium); Maarten Weyn (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium); Ingrid Moerman (Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium); Steven Latré (University of Antwerp - imec, Belgium)
Particles Traces Classification by a Spiking Neural Network Running on a Distributed Simulator
Rodolfo Rocco (University of Antwerp & Imec, Belgium)
Downlink Multicarrier Distributed Antenna Systems for Indoor Industrial Internet of Things
Wooram Shin (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute & Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea (South)); Seokki Kim (ETRI, Korea (South)); Joonhyuk Kang (KAIST, Korea (South))
LoRa Physical Layer Evaluation for Point-to-Point Links and Coverage Measurements in Diverse Environments
Gilles Callebaut, Guus Leenders, Stijn Crul, Chesney Buyle and Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Wednesday, June 19 14:00 - 15:30

WeC0: CELTIC Event - Session 1

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Welcome: Valerie Blavette (CELTIC Chairperson)
  • Keynote Speech 1: Artificial Intelligence
  • Panel: Impact of CELTIC Projects. Moderator: David Kennedy (EURESCOM)
  1. NOTTS and MONALIS: Antonio Cuadra Sanchez (INDRA)
  2. UPSC
  3. Flagship SASER
  4. Flagship SENDATE
  5. ACIO

WeC1: Special Session 1

Validating and Demonstrating the Satellite Integration into 5G
Room 1


  • Maria Guta (European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency, The Netherlands)
  • Konstantinos Liolis (SES, Luxembourg)


5G is the first truly multi-technology communication system, where satellite role is being proven on the basis of its benefits and its integration in the overall network. The consensus and wider agreement on what satellite brings to achieve the 5G KPIs are: service ubiquity, service continuity, service scalability, broadcast (simultaneity) and security. Recent activities - with the active involvement of the satellite and terrestrial mobile industry stakeholders - develop already 5G features in satellite networks and include the necessary integration tests. Large-scale 5G testbeds are being developed to validate the end-to-end terrestrial-satellite 5G integrated system, network performance and demonstrate the seamless service delivery. To this end, several successful over-the-air demonstrations have taken place so far paving the way for the seamless satellite integration into 5G. In addition, several international standardization activities are ongoing to promote the satellite role into the 5G ecosystem. In this context, supported by the ongoing relevant EU 5GPPP projects (SaT5G, 5G-VINNI, 5GENESIS) and ESA ARTES projects (Satellite for 5G - S45G, SATis5, EdgeSAT, etc.), this Special Session builds upon the success of the series of past relevant events and aims to showcase that satellite integration into 5G is in fact getting closer to reality. In particular, this Special Session will:

  • Highlight the experiences, results and lessons learnt from successful over-the-air demonstrations towards the seamless satellite integration into 5G;
  • Update on the status of 5G experimentation facilities optimising the integrated satellite-terrestrial 5G network architecture and exploiting edge network connectivity concepts;
  • Promote the emergence of innovative services and new business models making use of 5G networks integrating satellite in response to the various 5G verticals requirements;
  • Foster cross-industry cooperation opportunities between terrestrial mobile and satellite industry in the context of 5G ecosystem;
  • Provide insights into the status of standardization activities for satellite integration into 5G.
Satellite Integration into 5G: Getting Ready
Maria Guta (European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency, The Netherlands)
Value Chain Analysis for Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial 5G Networks
Simon Watts (CN21, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Satellite Ground Segment Integration into 5G: Softwarization, Virtualization and Orchestration of Satellite Ground Segment for Integration into 5G
Joe Cahill (VT iDirect Solution Ltd, Ireland); Richard Lord (VT iDirect, Ireland)
Milestone Over-the-Air Demonstrations Showcasing Satellite's Strategic Role in 5G
Konstantinos Liolis (SES, Luxembourg)
5G Experimentation Facility Supporting Satellite-Terrestrial Integration: The 5GENESIS Approach
Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR Demokritos, Greece)
MNO's View and Use Cases on Satellite Integration into 5G
Pål R. Grønsund (Telenor & University of Oslo, Norway); Stefan Heck (Telenor Satellite, Norway)
Updates on Japanese Plans for Satellite-Terrestrial 5G Integration R&D Activities
Naoto Kadowaki and Amane Miura (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
5G and Beyond: Research Challenges for Satellite Integration
Marius Corici (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany)
Satellites and 5G: What's the Future?
Hejia Luo and Bin Wang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China); Jun Wang (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, China)

WeC2: Coding Techniques

Room 2
Chair: Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Optimal Sequence and SINR for Desired User in Asynchronous CDMA System
Hirofumi Tsuda (Kyoto University & Graduate School of Informatics, Japan)
An Unnoticed Property in QC-LDPC Codes to Find the Message from the Codeword in Non-systematic Codes
Alireza Hasani (IHP GmbH, Germany); Lukasz Lopacinski (IHP, Germany); Steffen Büchner (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany); Jörg Nolte (BTU Cottbus, Germany); Rolf Kraemer (IHP Microelectronics, Frankfurt/Oder & BTU-Cottbus, Germany)
Packet Recovery Latency of a Rate-less Polar Code in Low Power Wide Area Networks
Yi Yu (Orange, France); Lina Mroueh (Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris, France); Guillaume Vivier (Sequans, France); Michel Terré (CNAM, France)
5G New Radio over Satellite Links: Synchronization Block Processing
Harri Saarnisaari (University of Oulu, Finland); Jean-Michel Houssin and Thibault Deleu (Thales Alenia Space, France)
Integrating Sparse Code Multiple Access with Circularly Pulse-Shaped OFDM Waveform for 5G and the Factories of the Future
Yenming Huang (National Taiwan University & Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, Taiwan); Rueibin Yang and Borching Su (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

WeC3: Orchestration and Virtualisation

Room 3
Chair: Toktam Mahmoodi (King's College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Network Slicing-aware NFV Orchestration for 5G Service Platforms
Hamzeh Khalili (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Apostolos Papageorgiou (Nokia, Germany); Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Carlos Colman Meixner (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Gino Carrozzo (T-Systems International GmbH, Germany); Reza Nejabati and Dimitra Simeonidou (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
5G-TRANSFORMER Service Orchestrator: Design Implementation and Evaluation
Josep Mangues-Bafalluy (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Jorge Baranda (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Iñaki Pascual (CTTC, Spain); Ricardo Martinez and Luca Vettori (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Arturo Zurita and David Salama (ATOS, Spain); Dmitriy Andrushko (Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine); Konstantin Tomakh (Mirantis, Ukraine); Giada Landi (Nextworks, Italy); Kiril Antevski (Universidad Carlos III, Spain); Jorge Martín-Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain); Barbara Martini (Universitas Mercatorum, Italy); Xi Li (NEC, Germany); Josep Xavier Salvat (NEC Labs Europe, Germany)
Inter-Business Orchestration for Resource and Service Provisioning in 5G Network Slicing
Enrique Chirivella-Perez (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Pablo Salva-Garcia (University West Of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Jose Alcaraz-Calero and Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Pedro Neves (Altice Labs, Portugal)
NGPaaS Framework for Enriched and Customized Virtual Network Functions-as-a-Service
Paul Veitch (BT, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Adam Broadbent (British Telecom, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Angelos Mimidis (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark); Jose Soler (Industry, Denmark); Marco Mobilio (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Alessandro Tundo (University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy); Michell Guzman (Unimib, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Steven Van Rossem (Ghent University & iMinds - IBCN, Belgium)
vFPGAmanager: A Hardware-Software Framework for Optimal FPGA Resources Exploitation in Network Function Virtualization
Spyros Chiotakis (Virtual Open Systems, France); Sébastien Pinneterre and Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems SAS, France)

WeC4: Optical Communications

Room 4
Chair: Konstantinos Stavropoulos (EXFO, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Duobinary Modulation for Visible Light Communications
Petr Chvojka (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic); Paul Anthony Haigh (Toshiba Cambridge Research Laboratory, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Izzat Darwazeh (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Zabih Ghassemlooy (Northumbria University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Stanislav Zvanovec (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Modeling and Link Quality Assessment of THz Network Within Data Center
Boujnah Noureddine (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland & Walton Institute, unknown); Saim Ghafoor (Atlantic Technological University, Donegal, Ireland); Alan Davy (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
How, When and Where Can Fixed Wireless Access Compete with FTTH?
Szymon Piotr Izydorek (Aalborg University, Denmark); Annie Gravey (Independent Expert, France); Reza Tadayoni (Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark)
Optical Interconnection of CDN Caches with Tb/s Sliceable Bandwidth-Variable Transceivers Featuring Dynamic Restoration
David Larrabeiti and Gabriel Otero Pérez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios (Telefónica I+D, Spain); Michela Svaluto Moreolo (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); José Alberto Hernández (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Pedro Reviriego (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain); Josep M. Fabrega (Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain); Victor Lopez (Telefonica, Spain); Laia Nadal (CTTC, Spain); Ricardo Martinez (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain)
Adaptive Unipolar MIMO-OFDM for Visible Light Communications
Mohamed Al-Nahhal (Memorial University, Canada); Ertugrul Basar (Koc University, Turkey); Murat Uysal (NYU Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

WeC5: Vehicular and Industrial Communication Trials

Room 5
Chair: John Davies (BT, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
5G Connected and Automated Driving: Use Cases and Technologies in Cross-border Environments
Dirk Hetzer (T-Systems, Germany); Maciej Muehleisen (Ericsson GmbH, Germany); Apostolos Kousaridas (Nokia, Germany); Jesus Alonso-Zarate (i2CAT Foundation, Spain)
Evaluation of LiDAR Data Processing at the Mobile Network Edge for Connected Vehicles
Olli Mämmelä and Tiia Ojanperä (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Jukka Mäkelä (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland); Ossi Martikainen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Jani Väisänen (Unikie Ltd., Finland)
Monitoring Resilience in a Rook-managed Containerized Cloud Storage System
Louis Baumann and Stefan Benz (Abraxas, Switzerland); Leonardo Militano (ZHAW School of Engineering, Switzerland); Thomas Michael Bohnert (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland)
Vertical Industries Requirements Analysis & Targeted KPIs for Advanced 5G Trials
Konstantinos Trichias (6G Smart Networks & Services Industry Association (6G SNS IA), Greece & National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece); Tilemachos Doukoglou and Velissarios Gezerlis (OTE, Greece); Nikos Kostopoulos (Ericsson Hellas SA, Greece); Nikos Vrakas and Marios Bougioukos (NOKIA SOLUTIONS AND NETWORKS HELLAS SA, Greece); Rodolphe Legouable (Orange, France)
Remote Control Demonstrator Development in 5G Test Network
Mikko Uitto (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland); Mika Hoppari (Finland); Tapio Heikkilä (Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Antti Anttonen and Aarne Mämmelä (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Pekka Isto (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland)

WeC6: Workshop 5 - Session 1

Emerging 5G Business Models: Opportunities for SMEs and large companies-lesson from 5G PPP (5G-EBM)
Room 6


  • Jacques Magen (Interinnov, France)
  • Stephanie Parker (Trust-IT, UK)

Motivation and Background:

The imminent arrival of 5G will bring disruption in business models for incumbent operators and verticals alike. While opportunities will surely arise for large, well-positioned market participants, the real winners may well be those SMEs who have mastered the key technologies and services enabling the new business models emerging from the inevitable disruption not only in the telecommunications ecosystem but also in the vertical sectors making use of 5G including automotive, manufacturing, health, energy, and others.

This interactive workshop will explore the new playing field that is emerging with the advent of 5G, and the opportunities for SMEs to be at the leading edge. Key practical outcomes include ensuring exploitation potential for 5G PPP phase 2 and Phase 3 projects and concrete innovation opportunities for SMEs.


  1. Opening
  2. Keynotes from industry - market opportunities for SMEs
  3. SMEs in the Spotlight - Lightning talks with Q&A on taking 5G innovations to market
  • Nicola Ciulli (Nextworks), "5G new opportunities for verticals and technology providers: an SME viewpoint"
  • Aitor Zabala (Telcaria), "Enabling new SME business models by leveraging novel federation and zero-touch technologies, through network softwarization in 5G CORAL"
  • Maurizio Cecchi (PIIU), "Prizes for SMEs: Call of Ideas on how to exploit 5GPPP trials facilities"
  • Azcom
  • Krzysztof Rocki (MIRANTIS)
  • Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS)
  • Theodoras Rokkas (inCITES), "Call for SMEs"
  • Pierre Boucher (Innovation ENCQOR), "Opportunities for SMEs in the ENCQOR Canadian initiative"

WeC8: Workshop 6 - Session 1

European and Taiwanese Cooperation on 5G
Room 8


  • Woon Hau Chin (Toshiba Research Europe Limited, UK)
  • Antonio de la Oliva (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
  • Klaus Moessner (University of Surrey, UK)
  • Michelle Tsai (5G Office, Taiwan)

Motivation and Background:

The workshop is jointly organized by the Clear5G and 5G Coral projects who committed to driving industry adoption of 5G by promoting and nurturing research in applications of 5G communications. Both projects represent the coordination between the EC and Taiwan governments on 5G development. The motivation of the workshop will be to bring together experts from both Europe and Taiwan on 5G to discuss the results of this cooperation and discuss possible mechanisms to improve the cooperation, by analyzing the results of the Phase I projects.

This is also a platform for participants to understand how 5G is evolving and developing outside of the EU.

The workshop targets 5G as a pathfinder for future actions by pursuing the following goals:

  • Discuss progress and priorities with participating projects.
  • Ensure industry views are represented, also beyond 5G PPP.
  • Engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue aimed at facilitating contributions to the standards process.


  • Keynote 1: "5G: Are We Ready?," Lifung Chang (5G Office, Taiwan)
  • Keynote 2: "European Research Beyond 5G," Bernard Barani (DG-Connect, EC)
  • Clear5G, Klaus Moessner (University of Surrey)
  • 5G Coral & 5G-DIVE, Antonio de la Oliva (University of Madrid)

Wednesday, June 19 16:00 - 17:30

WeD0: CELTIC Event - Session 2

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Keynote Speech 2: Future prove of mobility
  • CELTICNEXT Ambitions: Valerie Blavette (CELTIC Chairperson)
  • SME: Steny Solitude, Perfect Memory, France
  • Best of CELTIC Projects. Presentation of the 4 CELTIC Awards Winners and Award Ceremony

WeD1: Special Session 2

Advanced THz Technologies Towards Terabit/s Wireless Communications
Room 1


  • Angeliki Alexiou (University of Piraeus, Greece)
  • Catherine Douillard (IMT Atlantique, France)


While the wireless world is moving towards the 5G era and many technological advances have been proposed, there seem to be significant limitations in the capability to efficiently and flexibly handle the massive amount of QoS/QoE-oriented data that will be exchanged in a future Big-Data-driven society along with the super-high data rate and almost zero latency requirements.

Thus, wireless Tbit/s communications and the supporting backhaul network infrastructure are expected to become the main technology trend within the next ten years and beyond. Terahertz (THz) transmission as a wireless backhaul extension of the optical fibre is an important building block to close this gap and guarantee high-speed internet access everywhere beyond 5G. Together with extraordinary promises, THz communication brings unique and novel challenges that require rethinking classic communications and networking mechanisms. Motivated by the potential of THz technologies to transform the future of ICT, this Special Session aspires to reveal and discuss the critical technology gaps as well as the appropriate enablers, in terms of baseband processing RF frontend, channel models and waveforms, signals and coding, beam-patterns and medium access schemes. This special session brings together experts in information and coding theory, in advanced hardware design and ASIC integration and wireless access technologies and algorithms to present the main implementation challenges to be faced and to describe specific designs, algorithms and architectures, designed towards Terabit/s throughputs.

ICT Beyond 5G Cluster: Seven H2020 for Future 5G
Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Angeliki Alexiou (University of Piraeus, Greece); Olivier Bouchet (Orange Labs, France); Alan Davy (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland); Vladimir Ermolov (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland); Thomas Kürner (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany); Bruce Napier (Vivid Components Ltd., Germany); Onur Sahin (InterDigital, Inc., USA)
Channel Coding for Tbit/s Communications: An Implementation Centric View
Norbert Wehn (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany)
Regulatory Aspects of THz Communications and Related Activities Towards WRC 2019
Thomas Kürner (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig)

WeD2: Propagation

Room 2
Chair: Filipe Cardoso (ESTSetubal/Polytechnic Institute of Setubal and INESC-ID, Portugal)
Modeling and Link Budget Estimation of Directional mmWave Outdoor Environment for 5G
Sheeba Kumari M (VTU, Bangalore, India); Sudarshan Rao (BigSolv Labs Pvt Ltd Bangalore, India); Navin Kumar (Amrita University & School of Engineering, India)
Transmission Through Large Intelligent Surfaces: A New Frontier in Wireless Communications
Ertugrul Basar (Koc University, Turkey)
The Effect of Rough Surface Statistics on Diffuse Scattering at Terahertz Frequencies
Mai Alissa (University Duisburg Essen, Germany); Theo Kreul (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany); Thomas Kaiser (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Multi-band Double-directional 5G Street Canyon Measurements in Germany
Diego Andrés Dupleich (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany & Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Germany); Robert Müller and Sergii Skoblikov (TU Ilmenau, Germany); Jian Luo (Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Germany); Giovanni Del Galdo (Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS & Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Reiner S. Thomä (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)
Millimeter Wave Antenna for Information Shower: Design Choices and Performance
Sergio Barberis, Daniele Disco and Roberto Vallauri (TIM, Italy); Takashi Tomura and Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

WeD3: Network Slicing

Room 3
Chair: Oscar Carrasco (Casa Systems, Spain)
Network Slice Instantiation for 5G Micro-Operator Deployment Scenarios
Idris Badmus (Centre for Wireless Commmunications, University of Oulu, Finland); Marja Matinmikko-Blue (University of Oulu, Centre for Wireless Communications, Finland); Jaspreet Singh Walia (Aalto University, Finland); Tarik Taleb (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)
Towards Closed Loop 5G Service Assurance Architecture for Network Slices as a Service
Min Xie (Telenor Research & Telenor Group, Norway); Wint Yi Poe (Huawei Technologies - European Research Center, Germany); Yue Wang (Samsung Electronics, USA); Andres J Gonzalez (Telenor Research, Norway); Ahmed Elmokashfi (SimulaMet, Norway); Joao Antonio Pereira Rodrigues (Nokia, Portugal); Foivos Michelinakis (Simula Metropolitan, Norway)
Defining a Communication Service Management Function for 5G Network Slices
Luis Suarez (Ericsson, Canada); David Espes (University of Brest & LabSTICC, France); Philippe Le Parc (University of Brest, France); Frédéric Cuppens (IMT Atlantique, France)
Deploying Smart City Components for 5G Network Slicing
Bogdan Rusti (Orange Romania, Romania)
Management of Mission Critical Public Safety Applications: The 5G ESSENCE Project
Maria Spada (AEIT- AICT Society, Italy); Jordi Pérez-Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Vincenzo Riccobene (Intel, Ireland); Aitor Sanchoyerto and Ruben Solozabal (University of the Basque Country, Spain); Michail Alexandros Kourtis (NCSR Demokritos, Greece)

WeD4: Satellite Communications

Room 4
Chair: Konstantinos Liolis (SES, Luxembourg)
Optimising Layered Video Content Delivery Based on Satellite and Terrestrial Integrated 5G Networks
Satish Kumar, Ning Wang, Chang Ge and Barry Evans (University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
TALENT: Towards Integration of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks
Pouria Sayyad Khodashenas (Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, Spain); Hamzeh Khalili (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Daniel Guija (i2CAT Foundation (i2CAT), Spain); Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain)
The SHINE Testbed for Secure In-Network Caching in Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks
Simon Pietro Romano (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy); Cesare Roseti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Massimo Zito (ITSLAB srl, Italy); Michele Luglio (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy)
Design of Moving Experimentation Facility to Showcase Satellite Integration into 5G
Christos Politis and Konstantinos Liolis (SES, Luxembourg); Marius Corici and Eric Troudt (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany); Zsolt Szabo (Fraunhofer Institut FOKUS, Germany); Joe Cahill (iDirect, Ireland)
Implementation of Virtualised Network Functions (VNFs) for Broadband Satellite Networks
Ahmed Abdelsalam (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Armir Bujari (University of Bologna, Italy); Michele Luglio (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Daniele Munaretto (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Italy); Claudio E. Palazzi (University of Padua, Italy); Mattia Quadrini (RomARS, Italy); Simon Pietro Romano (University of Napoli Federico II, Italy); Cesare Roseti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Francesco Zampognaro (University of Rome "Link Campus", Italy)

WeD5: Autonomuos Driving

Room 5
Chair: Sandra Roger (Universitat de València, Spain)
Packet Inter-Reception Time Modeling for High-Density Platooning in Varying Surrounding Traffic Density
Guillaume Jornod (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany); Ahmad El Assaad (Volkswagen, Germany); Andreas Kwoczek (Volkswagen AG, Germany); Thomas Kürner (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
Channel Models for the Simulation of Different RATs Applied to Platoon Emergency Braking
Tianxiang Nan (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany); Guillaume Jornod (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany); Michael Schweins (Technische Universität Braunschweig & Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Germany); Ahmad El Assaad (Volkswagen, Germany); Andreas Kwoczek (Volkswagen AG, Germany); Thomas Kürner (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)
A Lane Merge Coordination Model for a V2X Scenario
Luis Sequeira, Adam Szefer, Jamie Slome and Toktam Mahmoodi (King's College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Autonomous Driving Progressed by oneM2M - The Experience of the AUTOPILOT Project
Giovanna Larini and Giovanni Romano (Telecom Italia, Italy); Mariano Falcitelli (CNIT - Photonic Networks National Laboratory, Italy); Sandro Noto (CNIT, Italy); Paolo Pagano (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, Italy); Miodrag Djurica (TNO, The Netherlands); Georgios Karagiannis (Huawei Technologies, Germany); Gürkan Solmaz (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany)

WeD6: Workshop 5 - Session 2

Emerging 5G Business Models: Opportunities for SMEs and large companies-lesson from 5G PPP (5G-EBM)
Room 6


  1. Panel Discussion: "Large meets Small"
  2. Business Models across Verticals
  • Darko Ratkaj (European Broadcasting Union)
  • Simon Fletcher (Real Wireless), "Techno-economics for 5G solutions"
  • Asma Chiha Ep Harbi (UGENT), "Cutting across Verticals - New business models for non-terrestrial networks"
  • Ioannis Neokosmidis (inCITES), "Business Models for Neutral Hosts
  • Valerio Frascolla (Intel), "Merging MEC and mmWave in 5G & beyond use cases"
  1. Wrap-up and Next Steps

WeD8: Workshop 6 - Session 2

European and Taiwanese Cooperation on 5G
Room 8


  • "5G-CONNI: 5G Private Networks for Connected Industries," Wilhelm Keusgen (Fraunhofer HHI)
  • "5G R&D in Factory of the Future," Hung-Yun Hsieh (NTU, Taiwan)
  • "Distributed EFS AR navigation/advertisement scenario in Taipei Main Train Station and Nan-Kang Train Station," Tonny Yang (ITRI)
  • Panel: Impact of 5G on Society. European and Asian views
  • Moderator: Woon Hau Chin (Toshiba Research Europe)
  • Lifung Chang (5G Office, Taiwan)
  • Klaus Moessner (University of Surrey)
  • Antonio de La Oliva (University of Madrid)
  • Wilhelm Keusgen (Fraunhofer HHI)
  • Tonny Yang (ITRI)

Wednesday, June 19 17:30 - 18:30

WeEH: Special Session 5

Grow your innovative ideas and career with COST
Room: Networking Area
Chair: Ralph Stuebner (COST Association, Belgium)

This networking reception is hosted by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), a funding organisation for the creation of research and innovation networks, called COST Actions.

In an lively and participatory format the participants will learn how these networks do offer an open space for collaboration across Europe (and beyond) and thereby give impetus to research advancements and innovation. You will also hear from COST Action participants how COST impacted their careers.

The event will help create dialogues and thereby lay the basis for potential future connections and common projects, e.g. future COST Actions or other joint research projects.

Please note that the reception is on invitation only. More information is available at the COST booth in the EUCNC exhibition area.

Thursday, June 20

Thursday, June 20 9:00 - 9:45

ThA0: Keynote 3

5G - A Door Opener for 6G?
Gerhard P. Fettweis (Vodafone Chair Professor - TU Dresden, and CEO Barkhausen Institut, Germany)
Room: Auditorium 2
Chair: Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID - University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal)


As we see 5G unfold, expectations on the economic and societal impact are very high. Many new opportunities shall emerge for new business opportunities. Besides Gb/s data rates, the Tactile Internet being the most highlighted promise of 5G, enabling remote control applications over cellular. We shall review opportunities and their technical requirements. This helps to build an understanding to detect missing pieces.

1G was a great step creating the vision of ubiquitous voice telephony, but we needed 2G to deliver (like international roaming). 3G was a great step towards ubiquitous cellular data, but we needed 4G to fix the challenges. 5G will be an infliction point in bringing cellular to new applications. However, do we need to use the 5G system to understand what is really needed, and have to wait for 6G as a fix? And is this fix required to make the Tactile Internet a reality?

Short Bio:

Gerhard P. Fettweis is Vodafone Chair Professor at TU Dresden, and heads the Barkhausen Institute. He earned his Ph.D. under H. Meyr's supervision from RWTH Aachen in 1990. After one year at IBM Research in San Jose, CA, he moved to TCSI Inc., Berkeley, CA. He coordinates the 5G Lab Germany, and 2 German Science Foundation (DFG) centers at TU Dresden (cfaed and HAEC). His research focusses on wireless transmission and chip design for wireless/IoT platforms, with 20 companies from Asia/Europe/US sponsoring his research.

Gerhard is IEEE Fellow, member of the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) and the German Academy of Engineering (acatech). He received multiple IEEE recognitions as well has the VDE ring of honor. In Dresden his team has spun-out sixteen start-ups, and setup funded projects in volume of close to EUR 1/2 billion. He co-chairs the IEEE 5G Initiative, and has helped organizing IEEE conferences, most notably as TPC Chair of ICC 2009 and of TTM 2012, and as General Chair of VTC Spring 2013 and DATE 2014, and of IEEE 5G Summits.

Thursday, June 20 9:45 - 10:30

ThA0: Keynote 4

Completing the 5G vision - Overview of the Industry Roadmap
Ulrich Dropmann (Head of Standardization, Bell Labs - CTO, Nokia, Germany)
Room: Auditorium 2
Chair: Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID - University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal)


First 5G networks are launched - mission accomplished?

While the commercial launch of the first 5G networks is a significant mile-stone it merely represents the completion of the basement of the 5G House, and that house will only be complete when the full 5G vision has turned into a reality for all. The 5G vision, capabilities, target architecture and transformational properties are well understood in the community of networks and communication professionals. So, in this key note provide an overview on key initiatives the industry engages on to complete the 5G House. Standardization and Industry Initiatives often are tightly linked to prior work as done in funded research. Hence a broad landscape overview of the standard and Industry Initiatives is highly relevant for EuCNC conference. We will cover three main dimensions:

  1. Toward a full 5G standard with all enabling capabilities

By mid-2019, the second phase of 5G standard is fully worked on with 3GPP Rel 16, the evaluation of IMT-2020 is ongoing in the ITU-R. The further priorities of the next 5G Release (3GPP Rel 17) are also take shape. Even certain key enhancements for subsequent releases are clear. We give an overview of that work program highlighting key work items which complement 5G vision capabilities.

  1. Transformation toward open, agile and fully automated network

The promise of 5G will only be realized with open, agile and fully automated networks. Starting with the virtualization of network functions some years ago, several key initiatives have been undertaken in Industry standard and open source projects to address various aspect of opening the network as well as to automate its operation, such as ONAP, O-RAN, ZSM, only to name a few. We highlight which problems these initiatives are solving and how, the relationship among them as well as their status and program ahead. 3. Beyond telecom ecosystem

One defining characteristic of 5G is the ubiquity of relevance beyond the direct telco sector. That has led to numerous activities to collaborate with different such sectors, understand the requirements and make sure the technology will finally address their needs. There are initiatives around automotive and autonomous mobility (5GAA), Public Safety (TCCA BIG) and more. Further there are groups working on 5G for satellite links, use in future railway systems, as a means to deliver terrestrial broadcast and more. Addressing the needs of Connected Industries and Automation for 5G enabled Industry 4.0 has lead to the creation of the 5G-ACIA (Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation). As 5G enabled Industrial IoT will represent one of the largest opportunities we will elaborate on this further.

Short Bio:

Ulrich heads the Standardization activities for Nokia. He is responsible for global and regional standardization and technical regulation as spectrum. The team is part of the Nokia BellLabs CTO group. Ulrich is board member of the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA). He also is a VP and Executive Committee member of the Global Mobile Supplier Association (GSA).

Prior to that Ulrich was responsible for Nokia Networks Industry Environment activities. Between 2007 and 2012 Ulrich lead the NSN 3GPP standardization team and has served as Head of Delegation to 3GPP. In that role he also chaired the Industry Group "European Friends of 3GPP".

Between 1996 and 2007, Ulrich held various positions in R&D of Siemens Mobile Networks unit. He was responsible for standardization activities of the core network business unit and managed Siemens 3GPP activities. Ulrich had instrumental role in the definition of the UMTS architecture as well as in set up of project management in 3GPP.

Ulrich holds a Ph.D. from Télécom ParisTech (ENST) from 1996; research area was the definition of 3G Radio Interface and his research was part of EU collaborative research program (RACE ATDMA).

Thursday, June 20 11:00 - 12:30

ThB0: Panel 2

Future Connectivity and Network Security
Room: Auditorium 2


Bengt Sahlin (Research Leader, Network Security, Ericsson Research NomadicLab, Sweden)

Motivation and Background:

5G infrastructures constitute a whole new level for connectivity in the digital economy. Beyond consumer services, 5G technology is designed to greatly change the way areas such as transport, industry, energy and health work. Applicability of 5G in these new sectors introduces new security challenges to consider. This trend will further intensify when moving into the future; In the mid- to long-term, the strategic importance of future Smart Networks (namely beyond 5G and later 6G network systems) calls for a strongly structured R&I roadmap with regards to cybersecurity.

Against the above background, following the expressed support from the Member States for a concerted approach to the security of 5G networks, the European Commission issued on 26 March a Recommendation to assess cybersecurity risks of 5G networks and to strengthen preventive measures, helping EU Member States to implement them in a coherent manner. (Commission Recommendation of 26 March 2019 on Cybersecurity of 5G networks C(2019) 2335

In terms of standardization, 5G phase 1 work has been completed in 3GPP, and phase 2 work is ongoing. Phase 1 work concentrated on the mobile broadband use case, phase 2 will have focus on use cases for massive IOT, Industrial Internet and mission critical services. New technology paradigms like SDN, virtualization and network slicing are impacting on how future networks are designed, implemented and deployed. This will have impact on how to design, implement and operate networks securely.

In addition to the existing trends, there are also emerging trends like AI, quantum computing and blockchain arising. As for other technology paradigms, there will be impacts on security.

The panel will present the Commission Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks, its status and next steps. It will also provide a short overview of security of 5G phase 1 (3GPP Rel-15) and the ongoing security work for phase 2 (3GPP Rel-16). Based on this, the panel will discuss future needs and expectations on security for future networks and services, also in the light of the Commission Recommendation. This discussion will cover aspects relevant for the different use cases (mobile broadband, IOT, mission critical services) and how the security challenges related to the new and emerging technology paradigms can be dealt with.


  • Why the Commission published a Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks and what are the expected results of all related policy actions?
  • What are the expectations on security specified in 3GPP Rel-16 for IOT and mission critical services?
  • What security aspects should be considered for future networks beyond 5G?
  • What are the impacts of ongoing technology paradigms on security?
  • What are the impacts on security of emerging technology paradigms?
  • What opportunities do the emerging technology paradigms bring in the security area?
  • What expectations on security are seen from industrial digitalization perspective for future communication networks?


  • Bengt Sahlin (Research Leader, Network Security, Ericsson Research NomadicLab, Sweden)
  • Emmanuel Dotaro (Head of ICT and Security Labs at Thales Secure Communications and Information Systems - France)
  • Alejandro Pinto González (Policy Officer on Cybersecurity, National Security Department, Cabinet of the Prime Minister)
  • Linus Thrybom (R&D Manager at ABB Corporate Research)
  • Peter Stuckmann (Head of Unit - Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, European Commission)
  • Eric Gauthier (Orange, London, UK)

Thursday, June 20 12:30 - 13:00

ThBH: Poster Session 2

Room: Networking Area
Managing Integrated satellite-5G Networks Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Brokerage Role
Asma Chiha (University of Gent & IMEC, Belgium); Marlies Van der Wee (imec- Ghent University, Belgium); Michael Fitch (University of Surrey UK, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Keith Briggs (BT Group, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Simon Watts (CN21, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Leonardo Goratti (Zodiac Aerospace, Germany); Boris Tiomela Jou (Airbus Defence and Space, France)
On the Use of Existing 4G Small Cell Deployments for 5G V2N Communication
Umar Saeed, Jyri Hämäläinen, Edward Mutafungwa and Risto Wichman (Aalto University, Finland); David Gonzalez G. (Continental Automotive, Germany); Mario Garcia-Lozano (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
On the Deployment of Large Scale NSaaS
Thomas Deiss, Bertold Dickhaus and Dereje Kifle (Nokia, Germany)
5G Video Optimization Challenges for Entertainment and Remote Driving in Connected Mobility
Ignacio Benito Frontelo (Nokia XR Lab, Spain); Jaime Ruiz Alonso (Nokia Spain SA, Nokia Bell Labs, Spain); Pablo Pérez (Nokia XR Lab, Spain); Diego Bernardez Moron (CTAG, Spain); Francisco Sanchez (Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia, Spain); João Moutinho (Centro de Computação Gráfica, Portugal)
MESON: Facilitating Cross-Slice Communications for Enhanced Service Delivery at the Edge
Konstantinos V. Katsaros (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece); Panagiotis Papadimitriou and Georgios Papathanail (University of Macedonia, Greece); Dimitrios Dechouniotis (National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) & Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece); Symeon Papavassiliou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
5G Network Slicing Based on SDN and Machine Learning
Jose Costa-Requena (Aalto University, Finland & CUMUCORE OY, Finland); Abdulkadir Mohammedadem (Cumucore, Finland)
IoT Gateway Virtualization for 5G mMTC Network Slicing
Vasileios Theodorou (Intracom S.A. Telecom Solutions, Greece); Konstantinos V. Katsaros (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece); Christos Tranoris and Spyros Denazis (University of Patras, Greece)
5G End-to-End Open-Source Network: Architecture and Use Cases
Sofiane Imadali and Mohamad Yassin (Orange Labs, France); Lukasz Rajewski (Orange Polska & Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Grzegorz Panek (Orange Polska, Poland); Tomasz Osiński (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland); Louiza Yala and Ayoub Bousselmi (Orange Labs, France)
On the Uplink Spectral Efficiency of FBMC Systems
Davide Mattera (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy); Mario Tanda (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy); Maurice Bellanger (CNAM, France)
An Enhanced Version of IEEE 802.15.4 Standard Compliant Transceiver Supporting Variable Data Rate
Muhammad Aslam (Ghent University - imec, IDLab, Belgium); Xianjun Jiao (Imec, Belgium); Wei Liu (University Ghent - imec, Belgium); Ingrid Moerman (Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium)
Performance Evaluation of THz Wireless Systems Under the Joint Impact of Misalignment Fading and Phase Noise
Evangelos N. Papasotiriou (University of Piraeus, Greece); Alexandros-Apostolos A Boulogeorgos (University of Western Macedonia, Greece); Angeliki Alexiou (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Index Modulated Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Quasi-Orthogonal Sequence
Hyeongseok Kim, Myeonggil Yeom and Jeongchang Kim (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea (South))
Clustering-based mmWave Channel Propagation Models for Outdoor Urban Scenarios
Bogdan Antonescu and Miead Tehrani-Moayyed (Northeastern University, USA); Stefano Basagni (Northeastern University & The Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, USA)
MATILDA: A Value Proposition for Telecommunication Service Providers for Vertical Applications' Integration in a 5G -Ecosystem
Ioanna Mesogiti (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, Greece); Elina Theodoropoulou and George Lyberopoulos (COSMOTE Mobile Telecommunications S.A., Greece); Foteini Setaki (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, Greece); Aurora Ramos (Atos, Spain); Panagiotis Gouvas (Ubitech, Greece); Anastasios Zafeiropoulos (Institute of Communication and Computer Systems/National Technical University of Athens, Greece); Roberto Bruschi (CNIT, Italy)
Architecture Proposal for SD-IoT Deployments with a Decoupling of Gateway Functionalities
Jara Suárez de Puga and Andreu Belsa (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain); Carlos E Palau (Universitat Politecnica Valencia, Spain)
An Analysis of Redundancy Schemes on Cloud Radio Access Network Reliability
Kunjan Shah (NOMOR Research GmbH, Germany); Sina Khatibi and Borislava Gajic (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
Multistandard RAS in a K-Tier Network of Various Geometry, Coverage and Capacity
Jasmin Musovic (Communications Regulatory Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina); Vlatko Lipovac (University of Dubrovnik, Croatia)

Thursday, June 20 14:00 - 15:30

ThC0: CELTIC Event - Session 3

Room: Auditorium 2


  • Funding and research topics in EUREKA countries
  • Roundtable with available Public Authorities. Moderator: Valerie Blavette (CELTIC Chair)
  • CELTIC Project Ideas Pitches. Short elevator pitches of innovative project ideas for the next call of CELTIC Cluster. Moderator: Christiane Reinsch (CELTIC Office)

ThC1: Special Session 3

5G trials for vertical industries
Room 1


  • Massimo Bertoncini (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy)
  • Giampaolo Fiorentino (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy)
  • Filippo Rebecchi (Thales, France)
  • Maria Rita Spada (Wind Tre, Italy).


The "5G trials for vertical industries" special session is jointly organised by a group of active 5G PPP projects working towards the realization and validation of vertical applications enabled by 5G technologies, including NRG-5 (, 5GCity (, 5G-MEDIA (, and 5G Essence ( The workshop targets vertical industries such as Energy, Media, Smart City, and Public Safety.

As most of 5G PPP phase 2 projects will reach their end in 2019, the special session represents an outstanding opportunity to share experiences on planning and execution of real world validation activities, examine the set of addressed validation metrics (KPIs) together with their relationship with the associated vertical requirements, and illustrate preliminary results and lessons learned.

The special session will serve as a privileged venue for all the 5G PPP projects that are entering the technology validation phase, including those providing platforms (ICT-17) and trial activities (ICT-19), to cross-fertilize, exchange best practices for trial and validation activities taking into account the selected 5G PPP KPIs, fostering also future collaborations between partners of different projects and vertical industries.

Network Functions for Supporting 5G Services
Alexandros Kostopoulos, Ioannis Chochliouros and Evangelos Sfakianakis (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), Greece); Daniele Munaretto (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Italy); Michail Alexandros Kourtis (NCSR Demokritos, Greece); Claus Keuker (Smart Mobile Labs GmbH, Germany); Ioannis Giannoulakis (Eight Bells Ltd, Cyprus)
Use Cases for Developing Enhanced Mobile Broadband Services for the Promotion of 5G
Ioannis Chochliouros (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), Greece); Anastasia Spiliopoulou (Lawyer, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA (OTE), Greece); Alexandros Kostopoulos and Dimitrios Arvanitozisis (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (OTE), Greece); Na Yi (University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Tao Chen (VTT, Finland); Athanassios Dardamanis (SmartNet S.A., Greece); Olga Segou (ORION Innovations, Greece); Latif Ladid (University of Luxembourg / IPv6 Forum, Luxembourg); Rita Spada (Wind, Italy)
How 5G Enables Smart Energy: Setup and First Experiences from the NRG-5 Pilots
Francesco Bellesini (Emotion s. r. l., Italy); Tommaso Bragatto (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Daniel Cabagnols (ENGIE, France); Antonello Corsi (Engineering, Italy); Giampaolo Fiorentino (Italy & Engineering, Italy); José María Lalueza (Visiona Ingeniería de Proyectos, Spain); Filippo Rebecchi (Ericsson France, France)
Path to 5G Smart Cities Experiences from Media and Public Safety Pilots in 5GCity
Gino Carrozzo (T-Systems International GmbH, Germany); Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain)
Definition and Evaluation of Latency in 5G with Heterogeneous Use Cases and Architectures
Xuan Du (OnApp Limited, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Bessem Sayadi (Nokia Bell-Labs, France); Oscar Carrasco (Casa Systems, Spain); Fotis Lazarakis (NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications, Greece); Gino Carrozzo (T-Systems International GmbH, Germany); Muhammad Shuaib Siddiqui (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Janez Sterle (INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd, Slovenia); Roberto Bruschi (CNIT, Italy)
Enabling the Media Industry with 5G: The 5G-MEDIA Pilot Cases
Stamatia Rizou (Singular Logic, Greece); Pasquale Andriani (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A)
Experimenting End-to-End Slicing with Public Safety Applications
Hicham Khalife (Ericsson, France); Ehsan Ebrahimi Khaleghi (Airbus Defence and Space, France); Begoña Blanco (University of the Basque Country, Spain); Olga Segou (ORION Innovations, Greece)

ThC2: Backhaul and SDR Design

Room 2
Chair: Sylvie Mayrargue (CEA-LETI, France)
Technology for D-band/G-band Ultra Capacity Layer
Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Antonio Ramirez (ISTEC, Spain); François Magne (WHEN-AB & SARL, France); Marc Marilier (OMMIC, France); Rosa Letizia (Lancaster University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Ernesto Limiti (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Sebastian Boppel (Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Germany); Borja Vidal (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain); Quang Trung Le (HF Systems Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Germany); Ralp Zimmerman (HF System Engineering, Germany); Viktor Krozer (Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
D-Band Transport Solution to 5G and Beyond 5G Cellular Networks
Mario Giovanni Luigi Frecassetti (NOKIA, Italy); Juan F Sevillano and David del Río (CEIT and TECNUN, Spain); Andrea Mazzanti (University of Pavia, Italy); Vladimir Ermolov (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Simple Molecular Absorption Loss Model for 200-450 Gigahertz Frequency Band
Joonas Kokkoniemi, Janne Lehtomäki and Markku Juntti (University of Oulu, Finland)
RGB Demultiplexer Based on Multicore Polymer Optical Fiber
Dror Malka (Holon Institute of Technology & MostlyTek, Israel); Moshe Ran (MostlyTek, Israel); Rami Dadabayev (Holon Institute of Technology, Israel)
Spatially Combined Wideband Interleaved Transmitter
Prasidh Ramabadran (National University of Ireland, Maynooth & SFI CONNECT, Ireland); Pavel Afanasyev (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland); Sara Hesami (Maynooth University, Ireland); Darragh McCarthy (National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland); Ronan Farrell (Maynooth University, Ireland); Bill O'Brien (Nonlinear Systems Limited, Ireland); John Dooley (National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland)
Software-Defined Radio Prototype for Fast-Convolution-Based Filtered OFDM in 5G NR
Selahattin Gökceli (Tampere University, Finland); Toni Aleksi Levanen (Nokia Solutions and Networks, Finland); Juha Yli-Kaakinen and Matias Turunen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland); Markus Allén and Taneli Riihonen (Tampere University, Finland); Arto Palin (Nokia Research Center, Finland); Markku K. Renfors and Mikko Valkama (Tampere University, Finland)

ThC3: Service Oriented Optimisation

Room 3
Chair: Vlatko Lipovac (University of Dubrovnik, Croatia)
In-Flight Entertainment and Connectivity in the 5G Era: The 5G ESSENCE Experimental Platform
Elisenda Temprado Garriga (Safran Electronics & Defense - Triagnosys Gmbh, Germany); Leonardo Goratti (Zodiac Aerospace, Germany); Antonino Albanese (Italtel, Italy); Claudio Meani and Pietro Paglierani (ITALTEL, Italy); Olga Segou (ORION Innovations, Greece); Emmanouil Kafetzakis (Orion Innovations P. C., Greece); Christos Xylouris (Orion Innovations PC, Greece); Maria Spada (AEIT- AICT Society, Italy)
A Novel Multi-Factored Replacement Algorithm for In-Network Content Caching
Lijun Dong (Futurewei Technologies, USA); Richard Li (Southeast University, China)
Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Video QoE Prediction in Smartphones
Carlos Cárdenas Angelat and Janie Baños Polglase (DEKRA, Spain); Cristian Jesús Vaca Rubio (CTTC, Spain); Mari Carmen Aguayo-Torres (Universidad de Malaga, Spain)
Field Trials for Evaluating Advanced Digital Terrestrial MIMO TV Broadcasting System
Takuya Shitomi (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan & Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain); Akihiko Sato, Noriyuki Shirai, Tsuyoshi Nakatogawa, Masahiro Okano, Shogo Kawashima, Tomoya Ijiguchi, Hiroaki Miyasaka and Shingo Asakura (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan); Tomoaki Takeuchi (Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), Japan); Madoka Nakamura (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan); Kenichi Tsuchida (NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, Japan)
Practical Cross-Layer Testing of HARQ-Induced Delay Variation on IP/RTP QoS and VoLTE QoE
Adriana Lipovac, Anamaria Bjelopera, Ivan Grbavac, Ines Obradović and Tomo Sjekavica (University of Dubrovnik, Croatia)

ThC4: Network Security

Room 4
Chair: Andrea F. Cattoni (Keysight Technologies, Denmark)
Telco Cloud Resilience: Synergies Between Fault and Security Management
Borislava Gajic (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Ruben Trapero Burgos (Atos, Spain); Diomidis S. Michalopoulos (Nokia, Germany)
Towards the Detection of Mobile DDoS Attacks in 5G Multi-Tenant Networks
Ana Serrano-Mamolar (Universidad de Burgos, Spain); Zeeshan Pervez, Qi Wang and Jose Alcaraz-Calero (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Secure Location-Aware VM Deployment on the Edge Through OpenStack and ARM TrustZone
Teodora Sechkova, Enrico Barberis and Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems SAS, France)
Applying QKD to Improve Next-Generation Network Infrastructures
Victor Lopez (Telefonica, Spain); Antonio Pastor (Telefonica Innovación Digital, Spain); Diego Lopez (Telefonica I+D, Spain); Alejandro Aguado Martin (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain); Vicente Martin (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
An Analytical Cross Layer Model for MultipathTCP (MPTCP)
Garima Mishra (TCS Research and Innovation, India); Samar Shailendra (Melbourne Institute of Technology (MIT) & International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, Australia); Hemant Kumar Rath and Arpan Pal (Tata Consultancy Services, India)

ThC5: Industrial Communications

Room 5
Chair: Jara Suárez de Puga (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Dynamic Polarimetric Wideband Channel Sounding in an Elevator Shaft
Pasi Koivumäki (Aalto University, Finland); Mikko Heino (Tampere University, Finland); Katsuyuki Haneda (Aalto University, Finland); Mikko Puranen and Johanna Pesola (KONE Corporation, Finland)
Multi-Robot Cooperative Patrolling Algorithm with Sharing Multiple Cycles
Yeosun Kyung, Yeosun Kyung and Seong-Lyun Kim (Yonsei University, Korea (South))
Putting 5G into Production: Realizing a Smart Manufacturing Vertical Scenario
Stefan Schneider (DB Netz AG, Germany); Manuel Peuster (Paderborn University, Germany); Daniel Behnke and Marcel Müller (Weidmüller Group, Germany); Patrick-Benjamin Bök (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany); Holger Karl (Hasso Plattner Institute & University of Potsdam, Germany)
Achieving Millimeter Precision Distance Estimation Using Two-Way Ranging in the 60 GHz Band
Vladica Sark and Nebojsa Maletic (IHP - Leibniz-Institut für Innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany); Marcus Ehrig (IHP, Germany); Jesús Gutiérrez (IHP - Leibniz-Institut für Innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany); Eckhard Grass (IHP & Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany)

ThC6: Workshop 7 - Session 1

Artificial Intelligence for 5G Networks
Room 6
Chair: Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom GmbH, Germany)


  • David M. Gutierrez Estevez (Samsung R&D Institute UK)
  • Yue Wang (Samsung Electronics, Uk)
  • Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom GmbH, Germany)
  • Jose M. Alcaraz Calero (University of the West of Scotland, UK)

Motivation and Background:

The use of AI for network operation and management is known to have great potential to enhance the network performance and efficiency, therefore has received significant interest in both research and industry standardization groups. Prominent industry standard groups, such as ETSI ISG ENI and ZSM, and 3GPP SA2 and SA5, have made great efforts to build industry consensus on network architecture and interfaces to enable the use of AI in the network. However, the standardization on AI in network management and orchestration is just at its beginning. Open questions on AI for network management need joint efforts from different standardization groups, as well as between the research and industry standardization groups.

Likewise, the topic is having a big impact in the research communities, and 5G-PPP projects are also part of this trend. In this workshop, 5G-MoNArch will showcase recent results on the employment of AI to achieve resource elasticity, i.e., an efficient and autonomous utilization of computational resources in the network, by enhancing the design of VNFs and their scaling mechanisms. In SliceNet, AI is investigated to achieve cognitive network management to improve both operation experience for network operators and quality of experience for vertical users, especially in the context of network slicing. However, traditionally it has been difficult for research and innovation projects to make significant impact on standards in a timely manner.

The workshop aims to bridge the gap between research and standards on AI for network management and orchestration. It will bring together researchers and industry experts, and stimulate debate and discussions on what are the significant problems to resolve to fully explore the potential of AI in networks, and how the relevant results provided by 5GPPP projects can be leveraged, therefore maximize their impacts to standards.


  • Keynote. Hans Schotten (DFKI & University of Kaiserslautern)
  • 5G-PPP Research Activities
Bringing Elasticity into 5G: From VNF Operation to AI-based Orchestration
Dario Bega (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Marco Gramaglia (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Marco Fiore (IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain); Albert Banchs (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
Slice-aware Resource Orchestration of an Elastic 5G Network via Evolutionary Algorithms
Asterios Mpatziakas and Stavros Papadopoulos (Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece); Sina Khatibi (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Anastasios Drosou (Centre for Research & Technology Hellas - Information Technologies Institute, Greece); Dimitrios Tzovaras (Rochester, Greece)
Self-Restoring Video User Experience in 5G Networks Based on a Cognitive Network Management Framework
Pablo Salva-Garcia (University West Of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Jose Alcaraz-Calero and Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Maria Barros Weiss and Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom GmbH, Germany)
A QoE-oriented Cognition-based Management System for 5G Slices: The SliceNet Approach
Albert Pagès (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Fernando Agraz (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Salvatore Spadaro (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Rafael Montero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Dean H Lorenz (IBM Research - Haifa, Israel); Kenneth Nagin (IBM Research, Israel); Rui Pedro, Guilherme Cardoso and Pedro Neves (Altice Labs, Portugal); Nuno Henriques (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal); Xenofon Vasilakos (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Nasim Ferdosian (Curtin University, Australia); Nikaein Navid (Eurecom, France); Yosra Ben Slimen (Orange Labs Belfort, France); Marouen Mechtri (Orange Labs Networks, France); Qi Wang (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Jose Maria Alcaraz Calero (University of the West of Scotland & School of Engineering and Computing, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Antonio Matencio Escolar (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Pablo Salva-Garcia (University West Of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Enrique Chirivella-Perez and Ricardo Marco Alaez (University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

ThC8: Workshop 8 - Session 1

International Workshops on 5G Architectures
Room 8


  • Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Ömer Bulakci (Huawei GRC, Germany)

Motivation and Background:

5G is the first generation of mobile networks that is by design addressing the wide range of needs of the vertical industries. 5G offers unlimited mobile broadband experience, provides massive connectivity for everything from human-held smart devices to sensors and machines, and most importantly, it has the ability to support critical machine communications with instant action and ultra-high reliability.

First 5G specifications are available with 3GPP Rel.15, however further enhancements and optimizations are needed to design a 5G System that meets the requirements from the vertical industries.

5GPPP Architecture Working Group was launched during the Phase 1 of the 5GPPP Initiative with the result of publishing two White Papers on 5G Architecture in June 2016 (v1.0) and January 2018 (v2.0). The work is now continuing with the 5GPPP Phase 2 and Phase 3 with special focus on understanding the requirements from vertical industries involved in the projects and then driving the required enhancements of the 5G Architecture able to meet their requirements. The results of the Working Group are captured in a White Paper v3.0 to be released at EuCNC 2019 in June 2019.

In this Workshop, we will present the findings and analyses of the 5GPPP Phase 2 projects and early findings of 5GPPP Phase 3 projects within the white paper framework. While the standard implications on the ongoing specifications, e.g. in 3GPP Rel.16 and ETSI, are highlighted, various achievements presented in the White Paper are also expected to impact 3GPP Rel.17 and beyond Study Items and Work Items. Thus, the timeline matches perfectly as the discussion in 3GPP is going to start mid of 2019.


  • Welcome & Overall White Paper introduction. Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs) and Ömer Bulakci (Huawei GRC)
  • Chapter 3 - Radio & Edge Architecture. Ömer Bulakci (Huawei GRC)
  • Chapter 4 - Core & Transport Architecture. David Navratil (Nokia Bell Labs) and Jesus Gutierrez Teran (IHP)
  • Chapter 5 - Management & Orchestration Architecture. Xi Li (NEC laboratories Europe)
  • Chapter 6 - Deployment & Analyses. Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom)
  • Chapter 2 - Overall Architecture. Marco Gramaglia (UC3M)

Thursday, June 20 16:00 - 17:30

ThD0: CELTIC Event - Session 4

Room: Auditorium 2


  • CELTIC Project Ideas Pitches. Short elevator pitches of innovative project ideas for the next call of CELTIC Cluster. Moderator: Christiane Reinsch (CELTIC Office)
  • Open networking, bilateral discussions with proposers and Public Authorities

ThD1: Special Session 4

5GPPP ONE5G: Moving 5G towards 5G-advanced
Room 1


  • Hans-Peter Mayer (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Marie-Helene Hamon (Orange Labs, France)
  • Gerhard Wunder (Freie Universität Berlin & Heisenberg Communications and Information Theory Group, Germany)


ONE5G's main objective is to investigate and propose new features and advancements, focussing on the Radio Access Network (RAN) for moving "5G" towards "5G Advanced". To prepare the next releases of 5G, beyond the first version (3GPP Release 15), the areas investigated are advanced multi-link access and interference management supported by massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Centralized Radio Access Networks (CRAN), End-to-End (E2E)-aware performance optimization through advanced radio resource allocation and multi-node connectivity orchestration, load balancing, spectrum management and device-to-device (D2D) communication. The scope of this special session is to present the major technical results in the context of the ONE5G's main, highly diverging, deployment scenarios, i.e. "Megacities" and "Underserved Areas".

Multi-Connectivity Beamforming for Enhanced Reliability and Massive Access
Martin Schubert (Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Munich Office, Germany); Ronald Boehnke (Huawei European Research Center, Germany); Wen Xu (Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH & - European Research Center (ERC), Germany)
Techno-economic Analyses for Vertical Use Cases in the 5G Domain
Sandrine Destouet Roblot (Orange Labs, France); Mythri Hunukumbure (Samsung Electronics, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Nadège Varsier (Orange Labs, France); Elena Serna (Telefónica I+D, Spain); Yu Bao, Serge Langouet, Marie-Helene Hamon and Sebastien Jeux (Orange Labs, France)
ONE5G Prototyping Activities Supporting Vertical Scenarios in Megacities and Underserved Areas
Evangelos Kosmatos and Christos Ntogkas (WINGS ICT Solutions, Greece); Orestis Zekai (WING ICT Solutions, Greece); Emil Khatib (University of Malaga, Spain); Gilberto Berardinelli (Aalborg University, Denmark); Sergio Fortes (University of Málaga, Spain); Eduardo Baena (Northeastern University, USA); Carlos Baena and Raquel Barco (University of Malaga, Spain); Cyril Collineau (B-COM, France); Matthias Mehlhose (Fraunhofer HHI & Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Daniyal Amir Awan and Martin Kurras (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany); Andreas Georgakopoulos, Vera Stavroulaki and Panagiotis Demestichas (University of Piraeus, Greece); Hanwen Cao (Huawei Munich Research Center, Germany); Hans-Peter Mayer (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Marie-Helene Hamon (Orange Labs, France)

ThD2: Modulation and Massive MIMO

Room 2
Chair: Martine Liénard (University of Lille, France)
A Non-orthogonal Waveform Design with Iterative Detection and Decoding for Narrowband IoT Applications
Sumaila Mahama (University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Yahya Jasim Harbi (University of Kerbala & University of Kufa, Iraq); Alister G. Burr and David Grace (University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Achieving Ultra-Reliable Communication via CRAN-enabled Diversity Schemes
Binod Kharel, Onel L. A. López, Hirley Alves and Matti Latva-aho (University of Oulu, Finland)
Distributed Spatial Modulation Aided NOMA
Amir Shehni and Mark F. Flanagan (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Quantized Massive MIMO Networks Under Channel Correlation and CSI Mismatch
Murat Temiz (University College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Emad Alsusa (Manchester University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Laith Danoon (University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Impact of Polarization Diversity in Massive MIMO for Industry 4.0
Frédéric Challita (University of Lille & IEMN Lab, France); Pierre Laly and Martine Liénard (University of Lille, France); Emmeric Tanghe and Marwan Yusuf (Ghent University, Belgium); Wout Joseph (Ghent University/IMEC, Belgium); Davy P Gaillot (University of Lille, France)
Downlink Coordinated Beamforming Policies for 5G Millimeter Wave Dense Networks
Marios Gatzianas and George Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Thessaloniki, Greece); Chris Vagionas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Agapi Mesodiakaki (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) & Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Thessaloniki, Greece)

ThD3: Radio Access Techniques

Room 3
Chairs: Johann M. Marquez-Barja (University of Antwerpen & IMEC, Belgium), Ingrid Moerman (Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium)
Study of Coexistence Between Different Services in Novel 5G Frequency Bands
Claudia Carciofi (Via Indipendenza 24, Italy); Paolo Grazioso, Valeria Petrini and Francesco Matera (Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy)
A Device to Device (D2D) Spectrum Sharing Scheme for Wireless Industrial Applications
Idayat Sanusi (University of Greenwich, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Karim M. Nasr (University of Greenwich & University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Klaus Moessner (University of Surrey, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A High Performance Low Complexity Muting Scheme for Interference Coordination
Ole Grøndalen and Kashif Mahmood (Telenor, Norway)
A Method to Tailor Broadcasting and Multicasting Transmission in 5G New Radio
Wei Guo (Samsung, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Belkacem Mouhouche (Samsung Electronics Research and Development UK, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A Hybrid Approach for Data Duplication and Network Coding
Jakob Belschner (Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany); Diomidis S. Michalopoulos (Nokia, Germany)
Over the Sea UAV Based Communication
Gianluca Fontanesi (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Hamed Ahmadi (University of York, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Anding Zhu (University College Dublin, Ireland)

ThD4: Edge Computing

Room 4
Chair: Maria Cuevas (BT Group Chief Technology Office, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
A Dynamic Multi-Resource Management for Edge Computing
I-Hsun Chuang and Sun Rong Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan); Hsiang-Jen Tsai (NCKU, Taiwan); Mong-Fong Horng (National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology & National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan); Yau Hwang Kuo (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Energy-Efficient and Reliable MEC Offloading for Heterogeneous Industrial IoT Networks
Che-Wei Hsu, Yung-Lin Hsu and Hung-Yu Wei (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Pushing Services to the Edge Using a Stateful Programmable Dataplane
Angelo Tulumello (University of Rome Tor Vergata & CNIT, Italy); Giacomo Belocchi (University of Rome Tor Vergata & Axbryd, Italy); Marco Bonola (CNIT, Italy & Axbryd, Italy); Salvatore Pontarelli (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), Italy); Giuseppe Bianchi (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy)
Co-Operative and Hybrid Replacement Caching for Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing
Emeka Emmanuel Ugwuanyi (LSBU, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Saptarshi Ghosh, Muddesar Iqbal and Tasos Dagiuklas (London South Bank University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); S Mumtaz (GS-lda, Portugal); Anwer Al-Dulaimi (Veltris, Canada)
Multi-path Scheduling with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Marc Mollà Roselló (Ericsson Spain, Spain)

ThD5: Network Optimisation

Room 5
Chair: Salvador Sales (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Design and Assessment of Low-Latency Random Access Procedures in 5G Networks
Ljupco Jorguseski and Remco Litjens (TNO, The Netherlands); Maria Raftopoulou (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Experiments on Shared- And Dedicated- Power over Fiber Scenarios in Multi-core Fibers
Carmen Vazquez (Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain); David Sanchez Montero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Fahad Al-Zubaidi (Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain); Juan Dayron López-Cardona (UC3M, Spain)
A Traffic Pattern Adaptive Mechanism to Bound Packet Delay and Delay Variation in 5G Fronthaul
Federico Tonini (CNIT, Italy); Carla Raffaelli (University of Bologna, Italy); Steinar Bjornstad (NTNU, Norway); David T Chen (Nokia, USA); Raimena Veisllari (TransPacket AS, Norway)
Active Queue Management as Quality of Service Enabler for 5G Networks
Mikel Irazabal (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain); Elena Lopez-Aguilera (Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain); Ilker Demirkol (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Signaling Reduction in 5G eV2X Communications Based on Vehicle Grouping
David Martín-Sacristán (Universitat Politècnica de València, iTEAM Research Institute); Sandra Roger (Universitat de València, Computer Science Department); David Garcia-Roger and Jose F Monserrat (Universitat Politècnica de València, iTEAM Research Institute); Apostolos Kousaridas, Panagiotis Spapis and Chan Zhou (Huawei Technologies, German Research Center)

ThD6: Workshop 7 - Session 2

Artificial Intelligence for 5G Networks
Room 6
Chair: David M Gutierrez-Estevez (Samsung Electronics, United Kingdom (Great Britain))


  • Standardisation Activities
  • Ray Forbes (ETSI ENI Chairman, Huawei)
  • Diego Lopez (ETSI ZSM, Telefonica)
  • Alessandro Trogolo (3GPP SA5, Telecom Italia)
  • Slawomir Stanczak (ITU-T FG-ML5G Chairman, Fraunhofer HHI)
  • Panel discussion

ThD8: Workshop 8 - Session 2

International Workshops on 5G Architectures
Room 8
  • Chapter 7 - Standardization Impact. Edward Mutafungwa (Aalto)
  • Panel discussion
  • Moderator: Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs)
  • Ömer Bulakci (Huawei GRC)
  • David Navratil (Nokia Bell Labs)
  • Jesus Gutierrez Teran (IHP)
  • Xi Li (NEC laboratories Europe)
  • Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom)
  • Marco Gramaglia (UC3M)
  • Edward Mutafungwa (Aalto)
  • Closing remarks

Friday, June 21

Friday, June 21 8:30 - 10:30

FrA0: 5G-PPP ICT19

Launching Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries
Room: Auditorium 2

FrA1: Software Defined Networking

Room 1
Chair: Kamran Sayrafian (NIST, USA)
Rule-Based Translation of Application-Level QoS Constraints into SDN Configurations for the IoT
Jan Seeger (Technical University Munich, Germany); Arne Bröring (Siemens AG, Germany); Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique, France & Technical University of Munich, Germany); Ermin Sakic (NVIDIA, USA)
Machine Learning-assisted Planning and Provisioning for SDN/NFV-enabled Metropolitan Networks
Sebastian Troia (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); David Eugui Martinez and Ignacio Martín (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Ligia Maria Moreira Zorello and Guido Maier (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); José Alberto Hernández (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Oscar González de Dios (Telefonica I+D, Spain); Miquel Garrich (Vodafone, Spain); José-Luis Romero-Gázquez (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain); Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro (ATOS Research and Innovation, Spain); Pablo Pavon-Marino (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain); Ramon Casellas (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain)
Network Optimization as a Service with Net2Plan
Miquel Garrich (Vodafone, Spain); César San Nicolás Martínez (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain); Francisco-Javier Moreno-Muro (ATOS Research and Innovation, Spain); Maria Victoria Bueno (UPCT, Spain); Pablo Pavon-Marino (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)
Towards Cross-Layer Optimization of Virtualized Radio Access Networks
Behnam Rouzbehani (Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon & INESC-ID, Portugal); Vladimir Marbukh (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA); Kamran Sayrafian (NIST, USA); Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID - University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal)
A Fingerprint-based Bloom Filter with DeletionCapabilities
Minseok Kwon and Vijay Shankar (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA); Salvatore Pontarelli (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), Italy); Pedro Reviriego (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)

FrA2: Fronthaul Design

Room 2
Chair: Jordi Joan Gimenez (European Broadcasting Union, Switzerland)
SDN/NFV 5G Fronthaul Networks Integrating Analog/Digital RoF, Optical Beamforming, Power over Fiber and Optical SDM Technologies
Raul Muñoz (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Josep M. Fabrega (Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain); Marco Capitani (Nextworks, Italy); Simon Rommel (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Gabriel Otero Pérez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Evangelos Grivas (Eulambia, Greece); Ricard Vilalta (CTTC, Spain); Ramon Casellas (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Laia Nadal (CTTC, Spain); Ricardo Martinez (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC/CERCA), Spain); Michela Svaluto Moreolo (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain); Giada Landi (Nextworks, Italy); Idelfonso Tafur Monroy (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Juan Dayron López-Cardona (UC3M, Spain); Carmen Vazquez (Universidad Carlos III Madrid, Spain); David Larrabeiti and David Sanchez Montero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
A 5G C-RAN Architecture for Hot-Spots: OFDM Based Analog IFoF PHY and MAC Layer Design
Charoula Mitsolidou and Chris Vagionas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Agapi Mesodiakaki (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) & Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Thessaloniki, Greece); Pavlos Maniotis (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA); George Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Thessaloniki, Greece); Chris Roeloffzen (LioniX International BV, The Netherlands); Paul Van Dijk (Hengelosestraat 500 & LioniX International BV, The Netherlands); Ruud Oldenbeuving (LioniX International BV, The Netherlands); Amalia N. Miliou and Nikos Pleros (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
5G-PICTURE: A Programmable Multi-Tenant 5G Compute-RAN-Transport Infrastructure
Daniel Camps (i2CAT, Spain); Kostas Katsalis (DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany); Igor Freire (Federal University of Pará, Brazil); Jesús Gutiérrez (IHP - Leibniz-Institut für Innovative Mikroelektronik, Germany); Nikos Makris (University of Thessaly & CERTH, Greece); Salvatore Pontarelli (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), Italy); Robert Schmidt (EURECOM, France)
Fronthaul Links Based on Analog Radio over Fiber
Diego Perez-Galacho, Demetrio Sartiano and Salvador Sales (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)
Analog Radio-over-Fiber 5G Fronthaul Systems: blueSPACE and 5G-PHOS Projects Convergence
Thiago R Raddo (University of Malaga, Spain); Simon Rommel (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Chris Vagionas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); George Kalfas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, Thessaloniki, Greece); Nikos Pleros (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece); Idelfonso Tafur Monroy (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

FrA3: New Deployments and Trials

Room 3
Chair: David Martín-Sacristán (Fivecomm, Spain)
Comparison of Optimization Methods for Aerial Base Station Placement with Users Mobility
Danaisy Prado, Saúl Inca, David Martín-Sacristán and Jose F Monserrat (Universitat Politècnica de València, iTEAM Research Institute)
5G-RANGE Project Field Trial
Alexandre Ferreira and Wheberth Damascena Dias (Inatel, Brazil); Alexandre M Pessoa (Federal University of Ceará - UFC, Brazil); Luciano Leonel Mendes (Inatel, Brazil); Carlos Filipe Moreira e Silva and Bruno Sokal (Federal University of Ceará, Brazil); Tiago Reis Rufino Marins (Telecommunications National Institute & Inatel Competence Center, Brazil); Danilo Gaspar (UNIFEI, Brazil)
Open-source RANs in Practice: An Over-The-Air Deployment for 5G MEC
Juuso Haavisto, Muhammad Arif and Lauri Lovén (University of Oulu, Finland); Teemu Leppänen (University of Oulu & Center for Ubiquitous Computing, Finland); Jukka Riekki (University of Oulu, Finland)
Drive Tests-based Evaluation of Macroscopic Pathloss Models for Mobile Networks
Alberto Alvarez Polegre (MathWorks, Spain); Raquel Perez Leal (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain); Jose Antonio Garcia Garcia (Nokia Spain, Spain); Ana Garcia Armada (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
Testbed to Experiment with LTE WiFi Aggregation
Pedro Merino (University of Malaga, Spain); Ivan Gonzalez Muriel (University of Malaga & MORSE Research Group, Spain); Alvaro Martin (University of Màlaga, Spain)
Spectrum Coordination for Disaggregated Ultra Dense Heterogeneous 5G Networks
Nikos Makris (University of Thessaly & CERTH, Greece); Panagiotis Karamichailidis, Christos Zarafetas and Thanasis Korakis (University of Thessaly, Greece)

FrA4: IoT Communications

Room 4
Chair: Henning Sanneck (Apple, Germany)
Secure Open Federation of IoT Platforms Through Interledger Technologies - The SOFIE Approach
Dmitrij Lagutin (Aalto University, Finland); Francesco Bellesini (Emotion s.r.l., Italy); Tommaso Bragatto and Alessio Cavadenti (ASM Terni S.p.A., Italy); Vincenzo Croce (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Italy); Yki Kortesniemi (Aalto University, Finland); Helen C. Leligou and Yannis Oikonomidis (Synelixis Solutions, Greece); George C. Polyzos (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China & Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece); Giuseppe Raveduto (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Italy); Francesca Santori (ASM Terni S.p.A., Italy); Panagiotis Trakadas (Synelixis Solutions Ltd., Greece); Matteo Verber (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy)
Beyond LoRa and NB-IoT: Proposals for Future LPWA Systems
Guillaume Vivier (Sequans, France); Lina Mroueh (Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris, France); Valérian Mannoni (CEA, France); Vincent Berg (CEA LETI, France); Francois Dehmas (CEA-Leti Minatec, France); Yi Yu (Orange, France); Diane Duchemin (University of Lyon, France); Jean-Marie Gorce (INSA-Lyon & CITI, Inria, France); Faouzi Bader (Technology Innovation Institut -TII, United Arab Emirates); Julio Manco-Vasquez (CentraleSupélec & IETR, France)
Assignment of IoT Nodes to Edge Computing Devices in Internet of Things
Madhu Perkin and S Mini (National Institute of Technology Goa, India)
Towards Democratizing E-Health Under Constrained ICT Infrastructure Through 'A- REaLiST' Solution
Abhijan Bhattacharyya (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., India); Suvrat Agrawal, Hemant Kumar Rath and Arpan Pal (Tata Consultancy Services, India)
WearIoT - Wearable IoT Human Emergency System
Miriam Batista, Rodrigo L. Cortesão and Pedro Sebastião (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal)

FrA6: Physical Layer Optimisation

Room 6
Chair: Jeongchang Kim (Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Korea (South))
Doubly Constrained Underlay Cognitive Radio System: Optimization and Analysis
Aniruddha Paturkar and Vibhuti Goel (BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, India); Sainath Bitragunta (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Rajasthan, India)
Automatic Modulation Classification in the Presence of Interference
Pavlos Triantaris (Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Evgeny Tsimbalo (Telecommunications Research Laboratory of Toshiba Research Europe Ltd., United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Woon Hau Chin (IMDA, Singapore); Deniz Gündüz (Imperial College London, United Kingdom (Great Britain))
Optimal Reserved Resources to Ensure the Repetitions in Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication Uplink Grant-free Transmission
Trung-Kien Le (EURECOM, France); Umer Salim (France); Florian Kaltenberger (Eurecom, France)
Reference Signal Design for Remote Interference Management in 5G New Radio
Elena Peralta (Tampere University of Technology, Finland); Mikko Mäenpää (Wireless System Engineering Finland Ltd., Finland); Toni Aleksi Levanen (Nokia Solutions and Networks, Finland); Youngsoo Yuk (Nokia, Korea (South)); Klaus Pedersen (Nokia - Bell Labs, Denmark); Sari Nielsen (Nokia, Finland); Mikko Valkama (Tampere University, Finland)
Two-Tier Cellular Networks: Enhanced Secondary Node Resource Allocation, Applied to LTE-A
Diogo Sequeira Martins (University of Lisbon - Instituto Superior Técnico & Vodafone Portugal, Portugal); Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID - University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal); Ahmed Alsohaily and Elvino Silveira Sousa (University of Toronto, Canada)
Ultra-reliable V2X Communication: On the Value of User Cooperation in the Sidelink
Malte Schellmann (Huawei Technologies German Research Center, Germany); Tapisha Soni (Huawei Technologies German Research Center & Germany, Germany)

FrA8: Radio Resource Management

Room 8
Chair: Jordi Pérez-Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain)
Elastic Slice-Aware Radio Resource Management with AI-Traffic Prediction
Sina Khatibi (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Alba Jano (Nomor Research GmbH, Germany)
C-RAN Employing xRAN Functional Split: Complexity Analysis for 5G NR Remote Radio Unit
Jay Kant Chaudhary and Atul Kumar (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Jens Bartelt (Airrays, Germany); Gerhard P. Fettweis (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Edge Sectors Detection in Mobile Communications Networks
Omar Kaddoura (Ericsson & University of Malaga, Spain); Inmaculada Serrano and Juan Sánchez-Sánchez (Ericsson, Spain); Raquel Barco (University of Malaga, Spain)
5G Component Carrier Management Evaluation by Means of System Level Simulations
Ioannis-Prodromos Belikaidis, Andreas Georgakopoulos and Evangelos Kosmatos (WINGS ICT Solutions, Greece); Isabel de-la-Bandera (University of Málaga, Spain); David Palacios (Tupl Inc., Spain); Raquel Barco (University of Malaga, Spain); Panagiotis Demestichas (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Multi-Numerology Based Resource Allocation for Reducing Average Scheduling Latencies for 5G NR Wireless Networks
Tanmoy Bag and Sharva Garg (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany); Zubair Shaik (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Andreas Mitschele-Thiel (Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany)
Profit-Based Radio Access Network Slicing for Multi-tenant 5G Networks
Jordi Pérez-Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain); Oriol Sallent, Ramon Ferrús and Ramon Agustí (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Friday, June 21 11:00 - 12:30

FrB0: Panel 3

Beyond 5G and Artificial Intelligence
Room: Auditorium 2


Panagiotis Demestichas (University of Piraeus, Greece)

Motivation and Background:

This panel will investigate the tight coupling of the new connectivity generation and the digital transformation with the advent of AI. 5G and future connectivity infrastructures will offer unprecedented performance levels. Gradually, through successive standards versions, new services will be enabled. These services will transform the way end-users live, corporations conduct business, and governments operate. This will happen in a direct manner (e.g., enhanced eMBB/URLLC-powered applications offered to end users) or indirectly, e.g., by providing data, in a timely and reliable manner, to advanced AI mechanisms, which are essential for the provision of vertical services.

Potential benefits from the introduction of intelligence in the system could aid network management and optimization, increase spectrum efficiency and improve QoS/QoE; however, AI will also affect the design of new architectures beyond 5G resulting in many uncharted scientific territories.

From a different perspective, new businesses and the sustainability of current ones call for more intelligence in the network infrastructure. Aspects like AI and Machine/Deep Learning seem to open new business opportunities and to pave the way for areas in need of research work.

Aspects like the ones above seem to open new business opportunities and to pave the way for areas in need of research work. Therefore, they call for a panel in the context of the EuCNC 2019.


  • What are the first services and application areas in need of AI and B5G for their transformation?
  • What offerings are we aiming at, beyond those happening today or through the first 5G versions?
  • What further performance levels are needed for AI? Are these possible today and at what cost?
  • What is the impact on connectivity and AI in 5G, B5G, longer term evolution?
  • AI impact on architecture, access network, core network and devices?
  • AI impact on network resource optimisation and management?
  • Is a new generation of wireless (namely 6G) being designated, through the tight coupling with AI mechanisms?


  • Panagiotis Demestichas (Professor, University of Piraeus, Greece)
  • Slawomir Stanczak (Head of Wireless Communications and Networks Department, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, Germany)
  • Sana Ben Jemaa (Research Engineer & Project Manager, Orange Labs, France)
  • Heli Helaakoski (Senior Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland)
  • Peiying Zhu (Huawei Fellow, Huawei, Canada)
  • Henning Sanneck (Head of the "Network Automation" Department, Nokia Bell Labs, Research, Germany)

Friday, June 21 12:30 - 13:30

FrB0: EuCNC Closing

Room: Auditorium 2
Chair: Narcis Cardona (The Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)